[comp.graphics] SIGGRAPH videotapes anywhere?

swildner@channelz.gun.de (Sascha Wildner) (04/18/91)

Does anybody know if those marvelous films show at the SIGGRAPH each year
(Luxo jr., etc.) are available on video anywhere in PAL format. Does any-
body know an address where I could order them?

sascha wildner             swildner@channelz.gun.de
am druvendriesch 27
5030 huerth 6              "A sucker is born every minute."
++49-2233-15571                           -P.T. Barnum

yeidel@tomar.accs.wsu.edu (Joshua Yeidel) (04/19/91)

SIGGRAPH publishes a "SIGRAPH Video Review" with information and examples
of all kinds of computer graphics topics.  The most recent one is #60,
so I can't catalog them here.  Contact:

SIGGRAPH Video Reviews
c/o First Priority
P. O. Box 576
Itasca, IL 60143-0576

I have the following number, but it may be "for orders only":

You can also try 708/250-0807 or FAX: 708/250-0038.

I don't think that any of the Video Reviews issues contain alll
of the SIGGRAPH Film Show, but you may find them interesting

jk87377@cc.tut.fi (Juhana Kouhia) (04/20/91)

Or you may write to videoreviewinfo.siggraph@xerox.com;
check the rest from below:

SIGGRAPH Email Communication

To reach key SIGGRAPH people through an electronic mail forwarding
service at Xerox PARC, address mail to
Surname.SIGGRAPH@Xerox.com where surname is replaced by the person's
surname and capitalization is not important. For example, to reach Jim
Thomas, the chair, address mail to

The following groups can be reached by typing Group.SIGGRAPH@Xerox.com

Information about the following topics can be obtained by addressing
mail to Topic.SIGGRAPH@Xerox.com

Info.SIGGRAPH@Xerox.com can be used to make comments or request
information about topics other than those covered above.

Juhana Kouhia
Multum in parvo? --> .