brabant@megatek (Ed Brabant) (04/20/91)
SIGGRAPH '91 Workshops Call for Participation Workshop Overview Workshops at the annual SIGGRAPH conference provide one- or two-day forums for structured, but lively interchange of ideas among a small group of people about issues important to the computer graphics community. Issues may range from theoretical problems, to emerging standards, to specialized applications areas. Though the workshops themselves are by definition able to accomodate a relatively small number of participants, the results of the workshop discussions are reported to other conference attendees through presentation and interaction at a special interest group session or panel, and to the graphics community at large in "Computer Graphics", published by the Association for Computing Machinery. You are invited to submit a position paper on the workshop topics listed below to the workshop organizers by May 17, 1991. Guidelines for presenting the position papers, and a detailed description on how the workshops are structured can be obtained from the organizers, or from the workshop committee chair, also listed below. Please review these guidelines carefully before submitting position papers. The organizers will then select up to 25 participants for the workshop from the papers submitted. SIGGRAPH '91 will be held in Las Vegas, Nevada from Sunday, July 28, through Friday, August 2, 1991 at the Las Vegas Convention Center. The SIGGRAPH '91 workshops committee and organizers look forward to receiving your position paper for consideration. SIGGRAPH '91 Workshop Chair: Ed Brabant Megatek Corporation 9645 Scranton Rd. San Diego, 92121 office: 619-455-5590 x2639 fax: 619-453-7603 email: brabant@megatek.uunet ucsd!megatek!brabant ---------- Workshop #1 - Call for Participation Integrating Computer Graphics, Computer Vision, and Image Processing in Scientific Applications 29-30 July, 1991 Many engineering and scientific applications in medicine, biomedical research, oil exploration and development, robotics, space exploration, molecular modeling, etc., depend on the modeling and interpretation of empirical data. In these applications, data are collected from several different sources and combined into a model that contains both geometric and nongeometric data. The model is then used for measurement, for simulation, and for understanding the structure and relationships that may exist among the data. Although the sources of data for each of these applications are different and specialized knowledge is necessary to interpret the data, there is also a great of deal of commonality in the techniques used to visualize, reconstruct, and interact with the data. The commonality stems from the need of similar algorithms and techniques from the fields of computer graphics, computer vision and image processing. These common techniques range from image enhancement, feature extraction, and reconstruction of 3D models from the extracted features, to visualization of and interaction with the resulting models, and model computation and simulation. This workshop focuses on identifying the common algorithm requirements in practical applications that integrate techniques from computer graphics, computer vision, and image processing, and the implications of the integration of these algorithms on computational and architectural requirements. Problems in visualization and display of multidimensional data, while important topics, will not be considered alone unless they have demonstrated their efficacy as part of a larger application. For further information on how to participate, or to submit a position paper, contact the workshop organizers: Ingrid Carlbom Indranil Chakravarty Digital Equipment Corporation, Schlumberger Laboratory Cambridge Research Lab for Computer Science One Kendall Square, Bldg. 700 P.O. Box 200015 Cambridge, MA 02139 Austin, TX 78720 phone: 617-621-6629 phone: 512-331-3721 fax: 617-621-6650 fax: 512-331-3760 email: email: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Workshop #2 - Call for Participation Computer Graphics in the Network Environment 28-29 July 1991 Because of current network limitations, many distributed computer graphics applications, designed for or adapted to existing networks, compromise function or interactivity. The premise of this workshop is that future distributed application paradigms and the deployment of new network technologies are closely connected, and both should be designed with this relationship in mind. Participants will discuss current models of distributed computer graphics/video for local and wide-area networks and their limitations, and models for future applications based on high bandwidth networks. Other topics are likely to include data models, future requirements for network availability and reliability, new network protocols, and developments in hardware technologies for network protocol handling, image compression, and HDTV. For further information on how to participate, or to submit a position paper, contact the workshop organizer: David Oliver Center for Geometry, Analysis, Numerics and Graphics 1535 Lederle Graduate Research Center University of Massachusetts Amherst, MA 01003 phone: 413-545-1726 fax: 413-545-2812 email: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Workshop #3 - Call for Participation HDTV: Technologies and Directions 30 July 1991 High Definition Television (HDTV) has been evolving over 20 years. Its early motivation was to provided higher resolution, wider aspect ratio television. In recent years, HDTV development has moved from the analog roots of television, to the pursuit of digital signal processing and transmission techniques. Meanwhile, graphical interaction and presentation have become fundamental to day-to-day computing, and computer graphics techniques have become fundamental tools for animation production and image generation for entertainment, science, and engineering. As a result, there is growing realization of the commonality in underlying methods, and growing interest in the interplay among HDTV, computer graphics, and computing technologies. The workshop provides a forum to present and discuss HDTV and its relation to computer graphics and computing -- the technologies and their interplay. Participants will represent research, development, and applications activities in television production, computing, and communications. The emphasis will be on merging a broad variety of perspectives. For further information on how to participate, or to submit a position paper, contact the workshop organizer: Branko J. Gerovac MIT Media Lab 20 Ames St (E15-390) Cambridge, MA 02139 office phone: 617-253-0669 office fax: 617-258-6264 home phone: 617-489-5927 home fax: 617-489-5917 email: