wellerd@ajpo.sei.cmu.edu (David Weller) (05/07/91)
Well, here it is, a plea for help in finding the ultimate UI to suit everybody's needs (OK, maybe not everybody). We are looking for a User Interface Management System/Screen prototyper that will perform the following functions: 1. Interfaces available for C (and maybe Ada) 2. Will work under the following terminal/UI environments: a. X11 b. MS-Windows c. Macintosh (We could run X11 under A/UX if necc.) d. VT100 (Some of our customers are STILL in the dark ages!) 3. Is capable of being ported to other systems. 4. Cheep. :-) (Hey, I had to ask) 5. Allows rapid UI prototyping with a screen face (form) designer. I know this is another request for the "all things for all people" UIMS, but I am interested in finding out what products like this are out there (We're mushrooms where I work at)...or not out there. Please send all replies via E-mail, as I don't get as many chances to peruse netnews as I would like to. AdvTHANKSance. Dave Weller