jlundell@vixvax.mgi.com (06/03/91)
I am currently doing some research involving SCODL. I have noticed that Corel Draw on occassion will generate SCODL HOLE POLYGONS that contain only one coordinate pair. Does anyone know why this is?? Also, could anyone tell me how the MVP+ will treat such an object. Thanks in advance (direct e-mail preferred). _______________________________________________________________________________ | Jim Lundell | | | | Software Engineer | Internet: jlundell@mgi.com | "No one here gets | | Management Graphics, Inc | Voice Mail: (612) 851-6174 | out alive." | | 1401 East 79th Street | Operator: (612) 854-1220 | - Jim Morrison | | Minneapolis, MN 55425 | Fax: (612) 854-6913 | | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------