-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TO ALL SCIENTISTS CONCERNED WITH SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY IN ARGENTINA -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Buenos Aires, June 4, 1990 Dear Colleague: I would like to draw your attention to the plight of science in Argentina and to ask for your urgent cooperation to save it from destruction. As you may know Argentina is in the midst of a profound economic crisis. As a consequence of this there has been a severe reduction in the governmental budget. Unless special attention is paid to science we believe that meager salaries combined with lack of funding will lead to the shut down of our laboratories before there is any improvement in the economic situation. The following example provides a glimpse of our economic situation: a scientist holding the highest available position receives a monthly salary of US$ 300 (United States dollars three hundred). On the other end of the scale a junior scientist starting his/her career is paid a salary of about US$ 100. These sums are far lower than those required for subsistence-level feeding and education for an average family. If you are willing to help us, please write a letter in your own words or use the attached letter as a model and send it via air mail to Sr. Presidente de la Republica Argentina Dr. Carlos Saul Menem Casa de Gobierno, Balcarce 50, 1064 Buenos Aires, ARGENTINA To expand the chain please send ten copies of this letter to your friends. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MODEL LETTER Sr. Presidente de la Republica Argentina Dr. Carlos Saul Menem Casa de Gobierno, Balcarce 50 1064 Buenos Aires, ARGENTINA Dear Mr. President, I am writing you to call your attention to the present situation of scientific and technological research in Argentina. Argentine scientists will not be able to endure for a long time the present situation in which the lack of funds to support research is combined with the incredibly low salaries paid to them. Such situation will soon lead to a sharp increase in the exodus, which has already started, of qualified people and hence to the irreversible damage to your national scientific and technological research system whose quality is recognized and respected by the international scientific community. This would be a tragedy for Argentina's cultural and technological development which would require years to repair. With all due respect, Mr. President, I urge you to take actions to reverse this sad situation. This may help to change the negative image that the international community has about this aspect of your administration. Sincerely yours (Signature, name and academic position) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Other addresses to which correspondence may be forwarded: Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas y Tecnicas (CONICET) Avenida Rivadavia 1917, 1033 Buenos Aires, ARGENTINA Secretaria de Ciencia y Tecnica (SECyT) Avenida Cordoba 831, 1054 Buenos Aires, ARGENTINA -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- New Haven, 6 de Agosto de 1990 Estimados todos: Esta es la primera vez que me dirijo a todos ustedes por medio de la red. Creo que la situacion descripta mas arriba, conocida por todos nosotros, lo justifica. Hoy por la tarde recibi copia de estos textos del laboratorio en Argentina del cual provengo y hacia el cual aun planeo regresar, este es el Instituto de Quimica y Fisicoquimica Biologicas (IQUIFIB), Facultad de Farmacia y Bioquimica, Universidad de Buenos Aires, cuyo director es el Dr. Alejandro C. Paladini. Tengo entendido que los esfuerzos tendientes a revertir este estado de cosas, en el medio local, son frustrantemente inoperantes. De este modo, se trata de que la presion externa pueda ser mas efectiva. Les agradezco a todos desde ya toda la difusion que pudieran darle a esta iniciativa. Jose Maria Delfino -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dr.Jose Maria Delfino Department of Molecular Biophysics and Biochemistry (210 KBT), Yale University, 260 Whitney Avenue, New Haven, CT 06511, USA. Tel. # (203) 432-5622/5623 Fax # (203) 432-3282 Electronic Mail: Bitnet: "DELFINO%HHVMS8@YALEVMS" --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ih3e@ra.cs.Virginia.EDU (Ian Hoenisch) (11/16/90)
Subject:vogle Reply-To: ih3e@ra.cs.Virginia.EDU (Ian Hoenisch) Organization: University of Virginia Date: Thu, 15 Nov 90 21:53:19 GMT I found the graphics package vogle on an anonymous ftp site and I have found it to be quite helpful and powerful. I was wondering if anyone out there has used this package and what their comments on this package are. We are developing a large graphics package and would like some input on this package before we might use all or parts of it. Thanks in advance Ian. P.S. Please email responses to (11/18/90)
Alo, all. I'm looking for a small bit of code to help me calculate X,Y coordinates of a Z coordinate. What I'm trying to do is draw 3-D images with points at (X,Y,Z), but because I am only using Pascal for this, I need a way to compute the real X,Y coordinate on the screen where a dot at X,Y,Z should be placed. If you have any suggestions, or know of a book that discusses this, please send your comments to: IB35 @UNTVAX or IB35@VAXB.ACS.UNT.EDU Thanks a bunch. - Adam
) (12/11/90)
Does anyone out there have any digitized pictures of Marylin Monroe? I'm writing a biography/report about her, and would like to include a picture of her if possible. I'm looking for something in a gif format. Brian Beagle Grove City College (Michael Fredric Kamprath) (12/12/90)
Where can I get gif files for viewing? I mean all types. I don't have a scanner to make my own, but I do enjoy viewing them. I am using X windows on a sun. Thanks for anyadvice. Michael (Sushil Bhattacharjee) (01/31/91)
Subject:3-d point plotting packages Organization: PRIP Lab, Comp. Sci. Dept., MSU Date: Wed, 30 Jan 91 23:14:48 GMT Hi, I had made a posting about this a few days back, but it seems that posting did not make it to you. I am looking for a good mathematical package which supports 3-d graphics. I particular I need a package which supports 3-d point plotting well. Most packages seem to have a good support for 3-d surface plots but not so good for 3-d point plots. If you know of any such package, pl. let me know. I don't usually read this newsgroup, so I would appreciate it if you can send me email at about this. Thanks, Sushil (dae kim) (02/22/91)
I am looking for those images appear in some of the classical image processing text books. Any formats will be fine since one format can be converted to another, in most cases. 8 bit B/W or 24 bit color would be perfect. Can anyone send me an info. on some of the FTP sites that may have archives on these images? Or please respond to this article. My email addresses are: Any of addresses above will do. Thanks in advance. Subject: CLASSICAL IMAGES NEEDED Expires: References: Sender: Reply-To: (dae kim) Followup-To: Distribution: world Organization: Illinois Institute of Technology Keywords: (Kam Chan) (03/02/91)
Subject: PBMTOGO (PBM to GraphOn grahics) References: Sender: Followup-To: Distribution: usa Organization: ucb Keywords: How do you display the graphics files output by PBMTOGO, which converts PBM files to GraphOn graphics. Is the file in PLOT format or what? Thanks! Please reply through e-mail. (Aaron Akman) (03/08/91)
Any experiences with 2D graphics pkgs for the PC? Something that supports inputs as described in GKS...with support for more than just request mode. The system would continuously outputing graphics while simultaneously checking for kybd/mouse input; it wouldn't be sufficient to block for input. Conceptually, this is what the system would support: mouse input --------------------------------------\ \ keyboard input --------------------------------------/========= process / Input, graphics requests (from somewhere, maybe RS-232) --/ or Update ___________________________ display Aaron Akman quickly 908-699-8019 (Jim Chen) (03/08/91)
I am looking for some algorithm for simulate clour in surface modeling programs. Is it possable? Jim (Igor V. Semenyuk) (03/18/91)
SUBSCRIBE -- +-------------------------------+-------------------------------+ | Igor V. Semenyuk | "Too many systems, eh?..." | | VAX/VMS/ULTRIX, MSDOS, | => | | WINDOWS programmer | +7 095 250 0892 (office) | (Amari M. Elammari) (04/18/91)
4-th International Conference on Computers and Learning ICCAL'92 - June 17-20, 1992 ICCAL is dedicated to the presentation of new results in the theory and practice of computers and learning. Areas considered for ICCAL'92 include theoretical as well as practical topics such as Authoring Systems, AI Applications, Computers in Distance Education, Computer-Supported Cooperative Learning, Discourse Management, Evaluation of Learning Environments, Human-Computer Interaction/Interface, Human Problem Solving, Hypermedia, Innovative Educational Software, Intelligent Tutoring Systems, Knowledge Acquisition and Representation, Knowledge-Based CAI Systems, Media-Based CAI, Performance Monitoring, Presentation CAI and ICAI, Problem Generation, Simulations, Student Modelling and Cognitive Diagnosis, Visualization of Algorithms, and Innovative Applications in Medicine, Arts, Music, Engineering, Business, Sciences, Humanities, Language Learning, etc. Workshops, tutorials, and panels on subjects of current interest will also be offered. Anticipated workshop/tutorial themes are Authoring Software, Cognitive Science, Computer Assisted Language Learning, Human-Computer Interfaces, Hypermedia, and Intelligent Tutoring Systems. Six invited speeches will be given by the world's leading experts in areas covering the major themes of the conference and exhibits of software and hardware products are being planned. The previous ICCAL conferences were held in Calgary, Canada (1987), Dallas Texas (1989), and Hagen, Germany (1990). ICCAL'92 will take place at Acadia University, Wolfville, Nova Scotia, Canada. ICCAL usually attracts around 300 attendees and the proceedings of the last two conferences have been published in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science by Springer Verlag. This will be the case for ICCAL'92 as well. Deadline for submission of papers: October 4, 1991. Paper format: 4 copies of paper consisting of a title page with author name(s) and affiliation(s), one page with a 200-word abstract, keywords, and names of relevant conference topics, and a 2,500 to 3,500 word long manuscript. Send submissions and enquiries to Dr. I. Tomek, Jodrey School of Computer Science, Acadia University, Wolfville, Nova Scotia, B0P 1X0, Canada, phone: (902)-542-2201/467, fax: (902)-542-7224, e-mail: (05/08/91)
fritzz@megatek.UUCP (Frieder Knauss) (05/08/91)
In article <> writes: >DOES ANYONE HAVE A GAME CALLED "ROGUE" .. I HAVE BEEN DESPERATELY SEEKING >A COPY OF IT >JUST IN CASE SOMEONE KNOWS IT BY ANOTHER NAME, IT IS A KIND OF >WATERED DOWN,NON-DEMONIC, NON-PSYCHOLOGICALLY DISTURBING "DUNGEONS AND >DRAGONS" Boy am I ready for that newsgroup I've heard so much about. I wouldn't even care if it was moderated or not. f (George Ng) (05/10/91)
In article <4741@sahara.megatek.uucp> fritzz@megatek.UUCP (Frieder Knauss) writes: >In article <> writes: >>DOES ANYONE HAVE A GAME CALLED "ROGUE" .. I HAVE BEEN DESPERATELY SEEKING >>A COPY OF IT >>JUST IN CASE SOMEONE KNOWS IT BY ANOTHER NAME, IT IS A KIND OF >>WATERED DOWN,NON-DEMONIC, NON-PSYCHOLOGICALLY DISTURBING "DUNGEONS AND >>DRAGONS" > >Boy am I ready for that newsgroup I've heard so >much about. I wouldn't even care if it was moderated or not. That won't necessarily prevent people from posting unrelated stuff like like that message...should've belonged to or something... (Rick Boykin) (05/14/91)
I hate to post ignorant questions but here goes it. Recently I have been involved with the task of calculating a thickness distribution on faceted (SP) 3-D data. To determine the thicknesses required I pick a predefined point in 3-space near the model. Then from that point I start shooting rays radialy outward. So, my question is to all you raytracers... Are there available techniques for raytracing faceted data. Also, this data will be used in radiation calculations where a high degree of accuracy is desired. ANY information would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance -Rick Boykin
Mike.Pulis@f7.n391.z1.FidoNet.Org (Mike Pulis) (05/20/91)
I have an old copy of that game. There may have been updates since I obtained mine, but I'd be glad to upload for you. Let me know. Mike --- * Origin: The Ozark Connection/Fayetteville, AR * (1:391/7) (Chima Echeruo) (06/07/91)
Hi, I have been working on an alternative GUI system for plain DOS,Turbo BGI and TP 5-6. I would like to support most of the GIU section of WIN3/MAC without the GDI and other bitlevel graphics work. I expect to use ONLY the borland BGI that is standard along with some SVGA BGI drivers posted recently. My problem involves the methodology and logic of repainting exposed and destroyed regions of windows. Initially I began with saving a bitmap of the underlying regions of popped-up windows. It seemed to work fine and gave me the least problems. That was before I decided that I wanted random access windows (not just stacked). Also, using TP 6.0, 384KB EMS and DOS 3.3 left me with only about 150 KB or so for background bitmaps. What I wanted to do was find the most efficient way of updating window regions that are destroyed or exposed without having each window procedure to implement it's own methods. I have looked at several GUI packages: WNDX,MENUET,ZINC,and a shareware toolkit posted to The three commercial packages were underspec. They were LARGE and the windows were either inconsistent with WIN3/MAC or they were slow and cumbersome. These packages required MetaWindows - a third party GDI library. BGI does NOT allow virtual windows written to RAM and does only but the basic functions that a GUI would need. I have to use it. So, without using MS Windows 3.0 SDK. How can I get some pointers or code to demonstrate the updating of hidden windows,exposed regions and destroyed regions? I enclose a post I made to comp.lang.pascal a while ago including some p-code that I was thinking off. Also, how does WIN3 handle the updating of destroyed and exposed window regions? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- I am still working on my simple user interface library for TP 5 & 6. I have built most of the messaging system, window management and data structures - bitmaps, ICONS etc.. In order to allow flexiblity for custom repainting of exposed windows I have decided not to simply 'GetImage the underlying screen background but to send messages to each window when its contents are over- written. The window procedure then has the oppurtunity to 'GetImage the portion of his window that is about to be overwritten. Later on, when the window system discovers that a previously hidden region is about to be exposed, it sends an EXPOSE message to the window with the region as the parameter. The window can then 'PutImage the previously saved bitmap without having to get the input focus (bring it's window to the top). Since this procedure is very common for most windows, the base window class will have defined procedures to handle the DESTROY/EXPOSE messages in case the window or it's derivatives decide not to handle the messages. Right now, I have a rough idea of the kind of data structures I am looking for: RECT = Record left,top,right,bottom :integer; end; RegPtr = ^REGION; REGION = Record rc :RECT; next :RegPtr; end; I will need a function say, InvalidateRegion: procedure InvalidateRegion(var rgn :REGION) { wnd:=First(WindowList); {sorted by focus} while (rgn is valid) and (wnd<>NIL) { destroyed_reg:=intersection(rgn,wnd^.region); if (destroyed_reg is valid) then sendmessage(wnd,DESTROYED,0,0,addr(destroyed_reg)); rgn:=subtract_region(rgn,destroyed_reg); wnd:=Next(wnd); } free(regions, etc..); } the way I have it, most of the destroyed background ends up being sent to the background window which can then paint it (during EXPOSE) with whatever color or pattern that a user selects (or even a bitmap). My problem is with a suitable subtract,intersect etc.. routine that works efficiently and can handle non-contigious RECTs and consolidate them to one if possible. The RECT routines that I have seen only work with simple rectangles and cannot create multiple non-contigious rects (Regions). Does anyone have some pointers to some code? also, I know that Windows 3 exists but I cannot afford the SDK nor do I need the power of a REAL GUI. I am looking at a SMALL GIU library that can get my PC to look like a MAC without much work on the programmer's part. thanks. Chima Echeruo -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----- Chima Oke Echeruo ----- ++++++ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Ronan Waide aka Qaz) (06/16/91)
In article <3021@plx.UUCP>, ming@plxsun.uucp (Lak-Ming Lam) writes: > I would like to get the software (e.g. PBMPLUS, IM Raster Toolkit, > Utah RLE Toolkit, TIFF Software, Xim, Fuzzy Pixmap Manipulation, etc.) > listed in the FAQ file. But the FAQ file only list ftp > access which I don't have. Could someone please let me know the address > of archive servers which I could get the software by mail? > Also is there any archive servers (again which can obtain software by mail) > which archive the Usenet newsgroups sources? Thank you for your help. > > Please reply by e-mail. Thanks. > > Regards, > Lak Ming Lam > ----------------------- > E-Mail address: sun!plx!plxsun!ming (UUCP) > plx!plxsun! > (Internet) I'd like one too..... Thanx in advanx, Ronan Waide, Uni. Of Limerick, Ireland. Email: