[comp.graphics] rlequant

hardaker@iris.UCDavis.EDU (Wes Hardaker) (06/20/91)

I just stumbled upon it!  Anyway, I was reading one of the manual
pages, and noticed in the BUG section a reference to an idea.  Here is the
final result:

rlequant -c -n 256 24-bit-image1.rle -o map.file
rlehdr -m map.file > map.text

edit map.text leaving only those values INSIDE the '()'s.

Then use:

rledither -t new.map.text 24-bit-image2.rle -o 8-bit-image2.rle

Rather rediculous.  This should be documented better...
							       / ___ \
Wes Hardaker					       	      / /   \/
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science    \--/     /\
University of California at Davis	 __________________   \/     /--\
(hardaker@iris.ucdavis.edu)             /     Recycle      \    /\___/ /
                                       / It's not too late! \   \_____/