[comp.graphics] Availability: ACM SIGGRAPH Careers Handbook

keith@pioneer.arc.nasa.gov (Stephan Keith FFD) (06/20/91)


I have been asked by many individuals to clarify the different means
available to acquire the ACM SIGGRAPH Computer Graphics Careers Handbook.
Listed below are the means available:

1. SIGGRAPH Members at large:  Members of SIGGRAPH may now acquire the 
handbook by filling out a coupon which may be found in the April 1991 
issue of Computer Graphics, Vol. 25, #2, page 98.  Please note that
this is for Members of SIGGRAPH at the organizational level, not the 
Local Group level.  This program exists while supplies last.

2. ACM SIGGRAPH Computer Graphics Careers Handbook grants program.  This
makes the Handbook available at the cost of postage and handling to 
qualified Educators and Career Counselors at Colleges, Universities and
Counseling Centers.  The specifications for this have been posted.

3. ACM SIGGRAPH Local Groups:  Some local groups have acquired copies of
Handbooks for redistribution in their community.  I am pleased to communicate
that ACM SIGGRAPH Local Groups now have their own section in Computer Graphics,
which begins on page 83, VOl. 25, #2.  Page 84 contains a list of all 
Local Groups.

4. Non-Member distribution Channels:  The Handbook may be purchased from
ACM proper, as follows:

	ACM Order Department		SIGGRAPH Member Price: $16
	P.O. Box 64145			Non-member Price $20
	Baltimore, Maryland 21264	ACM Order Number: 429-910
	301/528-4261			ACM ISBN 0-89791-379-5
					ACM ISSN 0097-8930

I also get inquiries about SIGGRAPH '91, which will be conducted in
Las Vegas, Nevada.  Please contact the SIGGRAPH Conference Management
Office at 312/644-6610.  The conference begins 28 July 1991 and continues
through 2 August 1991.
If you need to communicate with me regarding any aspect of the Handbook,
please do so via the net address:


Thank you for your time and consideration.

Stephan R. Keith
Co-chair ACM SIGGRAPH Careers Committee