[comp.graphics] PC IP software, which is the best?

frankhua@cs.mcgill.ca (Frank X.J HUANG) (06/26/91)

Could anybody tell me what is the best PD image processing software for
386 running DOS & Win3? I have just gone through FAQ but can only find
bunch of programs for X-Windows.

I tried GWS (Graphics WorkShop) and PICLAB, but frankly, I am not very
satisfied with them. For example, when I use GWS to convert an TIFF image
to GIF, there is a annoying black strip at the bottom of the resulting
picture, and I never be able to read this GIF file with WinGIF, or convert
it back to TIFF after some modifications.

Also, I need to know what is the best, up-to-date, intermediate level
book for image processing.

Any help would be appreciated.
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