[comp.graphics] Attractive Pictures

ernulf@fy.chalmers.se (Kurt Ernulf) (06/30/91)

Interpersonal attraction is a fascinating area of psychological
inquiry. At the Department of Psychology, University of Goteborg,
Sweden, we are working on a project were we will let subjects
score physical attractiveness in faces of men and women, faces
which we have manipulated electronically in different ways. For
the experiment, we need about 10 high resolution, frontal
pictures of male faces, and about 10 comparable pictures of
female faces, 20-25 years old, moderately to highly attractive.
It seems to be more difficult than expected to find appropriate
stimulus pictures. If you happen to have this type of scanned
images, color or gray scaled, in your possession, it would
greatly contribute to the success of our study if you would be
willing to share them with us.
If you can help us, please write to one of the email address
below (rather than the address in the mail header). Thanks in
Kurt Ernulf and Sune Innala
Department of Psychology
University of Goteborg, Sweden
Internet: upske@gd3090.gd.chalmers.se
BITNET:   upske at seguc11