[comp.unix.questions] INed keypad mapping

news@cit-vax.Caltech.Edu (Usenet netnews) (11/15/86)

Organization : California Institute of Technology
From: jon@oddhack.Caltech.Edu (Jon Leech)
Path: oddhack!jon

	I am running Xenix 2.0 on a PC/AT with the Interactive 
`Operating System Extensions' including the INed screen editor. 
The default INed command mappings are NOT what I want. Does anyone
know how to change them? There appears to be no documentation on
this, yet clearly there's some way to do it since different terminals
have different default mappings (unless they are built into the
binary - of course, knowing ISC that's a strong possibility). Any
help on this is appreciated. I do NOT want to hear recommendations
that I should use another editor, however. Please respond by
mail as I do not read these newsgroups.

    -- Jon Leech (jon@csvax.caltech.edu || ...seismo!cit-vax!jon)
    Caltech Computer Science Graphics Group

billr@ism780c.UUCP (Bill Rizzi) (11/18/86)

In article <1179@cit-vax.Caltech.Edu> jon@cit-vax.UUCP (Jon Leech) writes:
>	I am running Xenix 2.0 on a PC/AT with the Interactive 
>`Operating System Extensions' including the INed screen editor. 

	It is helpful to know whether you are using SCO or IBM Xenix.
	I also suspect that you are using TEN/PLUS, not INed.
	TEN/PLUS is an INed-like editor with an integrated operating
	system interface and other enhancements.

>The default INed command mappings are NOT what I want. Does anyone
>know how to change them? There appears to be no documentation on
>this, yet clearly there's some way to do it since different terminals
>have different default mappings (unless they are built into the
>binary - of course, knowing ISC that's a strong possibility).

	Derogratory public comments are generally not the best way
	to solicit assistance from those in the best position of
	providing it. Assuming you are indeed using TEN/PLUS,
	you should find the terminal mappings in /usr/lib/INed/def.trm.
	Edit your terminal's input mappings in this file and then run
	"tdigest def.trm terms.bin". TEN/PLUS looks first for the
	terms.bin file specified in the TDESC environment variable
	and then in /usr/lib/INed.

>Any help on this is appreciated. I do NOT want to hear recommendations
>that I should use another editor, however. Please respond by
>mail as I do not read these newsgroups.

	Hope this helps you (and perhaps others).
	INTERACTIVE support is avilable at 213-453-UNIX.

>    -- Jon Leech (jon@csvax.caltech.edu || ...seismo!cit-vax!jon)
>    Caltech Computer Science Graphics Group
>    __@/

	Bill Rizzi {sdcrdcf, ima, ucbvax}!ism780c!billr
	INTERACTIVE Systems Corp.