ehrlich@psuvax1.UUCP (Dan Ehrlich) (12/05/86)
I am looking for someone who has a DR11-W device driver for BSD 4.3 UNIX. In the manual page for INTRO(4) a device "uu dr11-w ungermann-bass" inteface is mentioned but I can not find the code for it anywhere in the source directories. If anyone has a dr11-w driver they would be willing to share I would appreciate hearing from them. Thanks in advance. --Daniel Ehrlich UUCP: {burdvax,cbosgd,cmcl2,pitt,ihnp4}!psuvax1!ehrlich CSNET: ehrlich@penn-state.csnet USPS: The Pennsylvania State University INTERNET: Department of Computer Science BITNET: ehrlich@psuvax1.bitnet 333 Whitmore Laboratory BELL: +1 814 863 1142 University Park, PA 16802 Quote: "The sky is blue so we know where to stop mowing." Judge Harold T. Stone Disclaimer: The opinions expressed herein are my own and do not reflect the opinions, or policies, of The Pennsylvania State University or the Department of Computer Science.