milo@ndmath.UUCP (Greg Corson) (12/18/86)
Does anyone out there know the current price schedule for a University purchase of a Unix source code license? How about for upgrading an old (bsd 2.9) license to current source code? How about for multiple machines? (If someone from AT&T is listening...mail me info on any AT&T software available to Universities at special pricing) Also, what configurations are supported by the standard AT&T and/or BSD releases of Unix? Most of the machines I am looking at are either SUN workstations or DEC VAX's (with all DEC perepherials). Basiclly I want to know which configurations Unix could be brought up on without doing a large amount of software modifications. Is bringing up Sys V or BSD Unix on a MicroVax II or VAX 750 (with all DEC perepherials) something that can be done by any reasonably competant system administrator, or would an experienced Unix hacker be required? Finally, does Sys V or BSD source come with any form of network virtuial file system? (ie. something that allows a user on machine A to open, read write and change a file on machine B as if it were local). There are several Ethernet connected MicroVax II systems that could use this. Greg Corson (219) 277-5306 19141 Summers Drive South Bend, IN 46637 seismo!iuvax!kangaro!milo