romwa@utcs.UUCP (12/31/86)
I have run into some problems with UUCP on SCO XENIX V 2.1.X on Sperry IT's. 1) The common character pairs \c \r \d are not recognized by uucico and are sent through as literals when found in the L.sys file. While I can get most scripts to work, these are really needed for debugging. Is this a problem with the uucp that SCO distributes? 2) I cannot get uucp to log into another Sperry through a Computone AT-Vantage 4 port board. This board does a lot of buffering for minimum interruption of the processor and allows high speed (38400bps) terminal operation. While normal terminal i/o and even remote connection with "cu" works properly, autodial uucp cannot get through. When I log in manually using the uucp ID and password, uucp starts up properly on the remote system and returns the Shere message. It seems that the login process gets out of synch because debugging shows me that the remote system times out when waiting for the password even though the debugging output shows that the proper sequences have been received and sent. While this problem may be specific to the hardware, I hope it is not and there is some help on the net. Thanks utcs!rom!mark - or - utcs!romwa Mark T. Dornfeld Computer Systems Royal Ontario Museum