[comp.unix.questions] Comments on debugger command languages

rudy@wang.UUCP (Rudy Bazelmans x72609 ms 019 890) (03/16/87)

We are designing a new debugger user interface and are interested in peoples
comments on existing debuggers.  Specifically, what are your opinions about 
the following:

1) What do you like and dis-like about the dbx command language.
   The verbose commands?  The choice of command names?
2) What do you like and dis-like about the sdb, cdb, & adb command languages.
   The concise nature of the commands?  The variety of commands?
3) Given a window and menu based interface, would you still like a command
4) What commands would you add to these popular debuggers.
5) Of those of you that have used both dbx and sdb or cdb, which do you prefer
   and why.
6) Any comments about other debuggers.

Thank you for your comments.  I will post the responses.

Rudy Bazelmans -- Wang Labs, 1 Industrial Ave, M/S 019-890, Lowell MA  01851
decvax!wang!rudy    (617) 967-2609  (800) 225-0654 x72609