[comp.unix.questions] HELP wanted in configuring sendmail to run on DECnet-Ultrix,UUCP and TCp/IP

shashi@temvax.UUCP (04/10/87)

We have DecNet running on a number of VMS machines. We now have a microvax
running Ultrix and DecNet-Ultrix. The microvax running Ultrix talks to a
UUCP machine ( and therfore can send/receive mail to any machine on

Mail can be sent from any site to the microvax with no problems. Mail can be
sent from the microvax to any the networks with no problem. Mail can also be
sent from the microvax to other local DECnet machines with no problem.
Mail can be sent from the local DECnet machines to the microvax.

Mail can be sent from the DECnet-VMS machines to UUCP network by fooling
the VMS mailer with address in double quotes.

The problem is that Any UUCP site (and world) cannot send mail to decnet hosts. 

Has any one in netland encountered this problem. 

I feel that the problem is on configuring sendmail for DECnet, UUCP and

Does any one in netland have a solution to the above problem.

I would appreciate if you could reply by mail and will post/mail a
summary of responses.
Thanks in advance

 |  ------- -------  |
 |  |     | |     |  |    N.Shashidhar
          | |             Institute for Survey Research
          | |             Temple University
          | |             1601 N.Broad St., Room 507-G
          | |             Philadelphia PA 19122        (215) 787-7191/3445
      ----- ------ 
      ------------  UUCP : { ihnp4,cbosgd,seismo}!{bpa,cbmvax}!temvax!shashi