[comp.unix.questions] uucico and line hangup

romain@pyrnj.uucp (Romain Kang) (04/16/87)

In article <6596@allegra.UUCP> mp@allegra.UUCP (Mark Plotnick) writes:
| I suppose I could have uucico do a TIOCNOTTY before the exec of uuxqt.
| It already looks like it's closing all its file descriptors.

It seems to me that any children of a slave uucico need to be
protected from hangups.  For instance, when you set mandatory callback
in USERFILE (or Permissions), your slave uucico waves goodbye to the
master and tries to spawn a uucico to do the callback.  However, there
seems to be a window where your slave might catch the hangup before it
reaches the exec; it logs some message like CAUGHT SIGNAL 1.

I've seen related behavior when uuxqt spawns rmail on pyrnj.  I have
some systems set up as "local" uucp hosts in my sendmail.cf.  Mail for
them runs uux without the default "-r" flag, which in turn execs uucico
in master role; 4.3 uucico then opens /dev/tty to do a TIOCNOTTY.  This
is a good idea; however, if the uuxqt was spawned as a child of a slave
uucico, its controlling tty (and its descendants') may be a dialup
where carrier is no longer present.  Result: child uucico gets hung
until someone else dials in (not a problem for BIG relay sites...)

Evidently, it is desirable for uucico to detach its controlling tty
before it execs anything, but where is the best place?  On a heavily
loaded system, it seems possible for the uucico to catch a hangup
before it finishes the final handshake with the remote system.  With
the new generation of fast (>= 9600 bps) packetizing modems, this may
become a more common scenario.  Would it be harmful to TIOCNOTTY before
the final OOOOOO handshake?  (Or for non-BSD people, ignore SIGHUP?)
Romain Kang		{allegra,cmcl2,mirror,pyramid,rutgers}!pyrnj!romain
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