[comp.unix.questions] Sperry 5000/80 or 5000/90 using Oracle DBMS

AS.PLN.PI@SIMTEL20.arpa (05/20/87)

Mail-From: AS.PLN.PI created at 19-May-87 07:20:29
Date: Tue, 19 May 87 07:20:29 MDT
From: Billy O. Howard <AS.PLN.PI@SIMTEL20.ARPA>
Subject: Sperry 5000/80 or 5000/90 using Oracle DBMS
To: mini-micro@SIMTEL20.ARPA
Message-ID: <12303612219.15.AS.PLN.PI@SIMTEL20.ARPA>

This is a request from Software Development Center-Huachuca.  We are examining the possibility of using one of the Subject named computers;  anyone with knowledge on either of these Systems Please contact Billy O. Howard or Janelle Loper at Avn 879-6735 or Commerical 602-538-6735.
Even if you are aware of anyone using either system please contact us.

Thanks in advance for any assistance..

Billy O. Howard avn 879-6735--av 879-6282 ..Co  602-538-6735/6282..