[comp.unix.questions] Unix on an IBM 32 ???

gw@sickkids.UUCP (CFI/Graham Wilson ) (05/26/87)

This is request posted for a friend who has very limited (i.e. e-mail)
net access.  Please reply to him:

	Brent Wallace
	Niagara College -- Welland, Ontario, Canada

	...!allegra \
	...!decvax   \
	...!ihnp4     > !utzoo!spectrix!brent
	...!linus    /
	...!watmath /

He wishes to know if any UNIX or UNIX-like operating systems are
available for an IBM 32 system.  He thanks one and all in advance.

P.S.  If you cannot reach him, send the mail to me, and I'll get
      it to him (somehow).  Thanks.

Graham Wilson		...!allegra \
CyberFluor Inc.		...!decvax   \
179 John St., Floor 4	...!ihnp4     > !utzoo!sickkids!cfi!graham
Toronto, Ontario	...!linus    /
M5T 1X4			...!watmath /