[comp.unix.questions] NFS for VMS

putnam@thuban.steinmetz (putnam) (06/23/87)

Im looking for any and all information on NFS implementations for
VMS.  I believe that Wollengong has one, but am unsure about how
well it works - can anyone enlighten me?

Please respond by mail and if there is sufficient interest ill

Well, shall we go?  -- jefu (jeff putnam)
Yes, lets go.       -- UUCP: steinmetz!putnam
(They do not move.) -- ARPA: putnam@ge-crd.com

gilgut@cg-atlas.UUCP (Steve Gilgut) (06/24/87)

In article <6421@steinmetz.steinmetz.UUCP> putnam@thuban.steinmetz.UUCP (putnam) writes:
>Im looking for any and all information on NFS implementations for
>VMS.  I believe that Wollengong has one, but am unsure about how

I would be interested in this also!
Steve Gilgut, The Kernel Kritter	 658-5600 X5277
Compugraphic Corp.		decvax\
200 Ballardvale St.		ulowell>!cg-atlas!gilgut
Wilmington, Mass. 01887     cbosgd!ima/
The Opinions stated herein, etc, ad nauseum.....

putnam@thuban.steinmetz (putnam) (07/13/87)

I asked recently about NFS implementations for VMS.  Here is the 
promised summary.  Note that i have not edited responses - but have edited
out included material and lengthy .signatures.  We are going to be
purchasing NFS for VMS from TWG - but with a certain reluctance - however
our disk space need is currently too great to not at least try it.

I also got a mail message from someone at FUSION claiming a 
NFS port to VMS in the near future - but as this requires
FUSION tcp/ip and since we already have TWG's tcp/ip, this does
not seem feasible for us.  


Wollongong has an implementation of NFS for VMS, but it is server
only.  It requires version 2.3 of Wollongong's TCP/IP, and I think the
NFS option costs an extra $2500.  It does not include any libraries or
RPC/XDR interfaces, as far as I can tell, although they must have
implemented RPC/XDR under VMS to implement the NFS server.  I don't
know of any client implementations of NFS for VMS and have heard from
at least one knowledgable source that there will never be any, because
of problems with VMS file semantics.  If you here of any VMS NFS
client implementations, I would be very interested to learn about

Russ Rew, University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
UUCP:     ...!hao!scdpyr!russ
Internet: russ@groucho.ucar.edu


Yes, TWG has NFS for VMS.  I have a preview copy.  Here are my impressions:

(1)  While working on my SUN using my VMS files, things worked beautifully.  The
most annoying feature was a 2 to 10 second delay awaiting the flush of cache.  However, TWG mentions this as a "feature" in the documentation.  So, OK.

(2)  When manipulating my VMS files as a VMS user, sometimes the changes didn't get propogated through via NFS to my SUN world.  An 'ls -l' would report
"not found" for a particular version of a file or even for a directory.
This situation persisted for days during the trial.  Then, I dropped the
evaluation for three weeks.  When I returned, everything worked correctly.
Yet, TWG claimed that they had not been able to access the machine to study
the problem; the administrators changed nothing; the machine was not rebooted.

Therefore, I recommended that we purchase a trial license for use on a live
production machine.  NFS was good enough to try on the users.  But the
unexplained behavior in (2) above certainly needs to be anticipated.

I suggest you ask TWG for a trial version.  What's to lose?

Bill Shorter  AT&T-Bell Labs at Allentown, PA  (...ihnp4!c11ux!bill)


We here at AT&T Bell Laboratories use TWG products regularly. The method we
use is to have TWG send their products to one of our in house gurus. He tests,
fixes, and distributes them to the rest of us mortals. We haven't seen NFS
on VMS yet because he can't get it to the point where he is satisfied with its
security and integrity. I don't know any more than that. Hope it helps some.

Steve Raffensberger
(Raff to my friends)


We just installed TWG WIN/uVX and the NFS Option on one of our MicroVAXen.
WIN/uNFS is an NFS server-only implementation. We still have problems with
access rights. We'll deal with on Wednesday, 1 Jul 87.
The overall impression we got so far is good. Let me mail again after we
had sufficient time to deal with the detailed way of using the product.
Hope this helps for now ...
Heinz Naef, c/o CIBA-GEIGY AG, R-1032.5.62, P.O.Box, CH-4002 Basel, Switzerland
UUCP: whna@cgcha.UUCP

Well, shall we go?  -- jefu (jeff putnam)
Yes, lets go.       -- UUCP: steinmetz!putnam
(They do not move.) -- ARPA: putnam@ge-crd.com