[comp.unix.questions] access-priv.

LAGRO_4%HWALHW5.BITNET@wiscvm.wisc.EDU (07/25/87)

                                                     Wageningen 24-juli-87

 We've got a problem. On our Unix system (an IRONICS IV-1600/S)
we use some add on boards for the image processing part we are
working on. In order to acces these boards, we map them in our
virtual memoryspace with the PHYS-call.
Here we run into our problem:
In order to use phys, one should be a super-user.
This is -even on our small system- an unwanted situation.
At the moment everyone who is developing software for the image-proc.-
part is working as root.
We would like a situation where everyone could work from his own
account, using an other program which has SU-priv. and is called by
his new program.
In the other program -running with SU-priv- the wanted phys action can
be taken.
One of the sollutions whe have looked at was executing a program through
a system-call (a C-function), but here the user got all privilige,
or the setting didn't work.
 Here follow some example's of our attemps:

example 1.

/* TEST.C  this program does a phys action. It is compiled by the  */
/* root, and is SET-USER-ID is set.                                */


int   phys();

        if ( phys( 0, 0x500000, 0x40000, 0x500000) == -1)
            printf ("test-file -- phys error \n\n");
            exit (-1);
        exit (0);
} /* end of TEST.C */

The calling program of the user could look like this :

/* TEST2.C  this program preforms some acces to the virtual mem. */
/* It is made and compiled by the user.                          */
/* It will call the TEST.X program to preform the phys action.   */


char *pixpoint;
int  i;

        /* execute the phys-action through TEST.X */
        if ( system("test.x") == -1 )
            /* error phys */
            printf (" -- -- phys abortion. \n\n");
            exit (-1);

        printf (" -- -- phys succes. \n");

        /* now acces the display, change a bit */
        i = 0x500000 + 10*512; /* regel 10 */
        pixpoint = (char *)i;  /* idem     */

        pixpoint = ~pixpoint;


} /* end of TEST2.C */

This doesn't work, because TEST.X is executed in a different shell,
which is abandonded before the execution of TEST2.X is resumed.
A "."-command only works with shell-commands, not with binary-files.
TEST.X with in it the phys-action runs correctly, but TEST2.X doesn't
know anything of it.

Example 2:
/* PHYS.C this program is compiled by the root and has its SET-USER- */
/* ID set. It call's it's argument by means of the system-call. The  */
/* program it will execute in that way has no special protection's   */

main (argc,argv)

char  *argv[];
int   argc;
int   phys();

        if ( argc != 2)
            printf (" phys-error  -- usage: phys program \n\n");
            exit (0);
        if ( phys( 0, 0x500000, 0x40000, 0x500000) == -1)
            printf ("phys -- phys error \n\n");
            exit (-1);
        else  /* succes code, call user program */
            printf ("phys -- phys succes \n");
            if (system (argv[1]) == -1)
                printf (" phys -- system error \n");
                exit (-1);
                printf (" phys -- system succes \n");
        exit (0);

When we use it in this way, every thing will work fine but...
the user program which is executed in this way runs totaly
under SU. He can even start a shell, having Root priviliges.


        Willy Geraets.    (LAGRO_4@HWALHW5.BITNET)