[comp.unix.questions] terminal states

jfjr@mitre-bedford.arpa (09/02/87)

  If my question is dumb I apologize in advance - please don't flame.
I am working on a Vax 8600 running Ultrix. I use a standard vt100,
with standard settings (delete is DEL etc) and ingnoreeof.
I am runnin a program using curses. In particular I am using curses
to put the terminal in and out of CBREAK mode. I use initscr as
directed and when I exit I use nocrmode and endwin. Sometimes this
leaves my terminal in a funny state delete echoes as ^?, backspace
as ^H if I issue a ^D it echoes it and says its an unknown command.
What am I doing wrong - how can I fix it. Does the problem stem from
the fact that I try to unset cbreak whether or not the terminal is
in cbreak. I have had excellent experience with this bulletin board,
usually getting reasonable, useable answers within 24 hours. Thanks
in advance

Jerry Freedman, Jr      "As you wander through life
jfjr@mitre-bedford.arpa   Whatever be your goal
(617)271-6248 or 7555    Keep your eye upon the doughnut
                          and not on the hole"