[comp.unix.questions] Using subdirectories from make

jim@ektools.UUCP (James Hugh Moore) (09/21/87)

I have a question regarding the make utility.  We have a VAX 11/750 running
Ultrix (actually 2 11/750's - one runs Ultrix 2.0, the other is still at 1.2).

One of our users is managing some source code for a project and is trying
to use make and SCCS to keep track of things.  Basically, he has asked me if
there is a way of keeping source in one directory and objects in another and
using one makefile.  Having been over the make documentation and looked
at the gnuemacs makefiles, it seems that you can change directories and 
run makes from makes, but not pick up paths from a common point.  Basically
we would like to specify paths from a common directory, and have different
directories for source, objects, special testing software, etc.

If someone can give us an explanation (and/or examples) of how to use
   relative paths in makefile, or

Point us to further documentation (or products), or

Suggest other alternatives, we would greatly appreciate it.

Thank you very much.

Please respond via email.

					     May God Bless You, in Jesus Name

					     Jim Moore

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
James H. Moore, 
Software Tools Group
Product Software Engineering Lab
Eastman Kodak Co.
Email:  allegra!rochester!kodak!ektools!jim
USMail: Dept 47, EP 5-2, Eastman Kodak Co., Rochester, NY 14650

Disclaimer: Opinions expressed are my own, and DO NOT represent the opinions
or policies etc of Eastman Kodak Co. as a whole.
 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

jdw@atexrd.UUCP (John Williams) (09/22/87)

We could also use any help in redirecting where the object modules go when 
using make. 

E-mail would be appreciated.

John Williams
Editorial Pagination - Atex, Inc., A Kodak Company

mdf@tut.cis.ohio-state.edu (Mark D. Freeman) (09/24/87)

In <831@ektools.UUCP> jim@ektools.UUCP (James Hugh Moore) writes:
>Basically, he has asked me if
>there is a way of keeping source in one directory and objects in another and
>using one makefile.  

>we would like to specify paths from a common directory, and have different
>directories for source, objects, special testing software, etc.

I am in need of similar advice.  I want:

/foo = sources
/foo/reg = objects
/foo/special = objects created with certain #defines the regular ones
		don't have.

putting in:

*.obj:	..\*.c

just doesn't hack it.   Yes, I'm doing some things under MSDOS...

Any ideas?

Mark D. Freeman							(614) 262-3703
StrongPoint Systems, Inc.			    mdf@tut.cis.ohio-state.edu
2440 Medary Avenue		 ...!cbosgd!osu-cis!tut.cis.ohio-state.edu!mdf
Columbus, OH  43202		    Guest account at The Ohio State University

snafu@ihlpm.ATT.COM (Wallis) (09/25/87)

In article <204@tut.cis.ohio-state.edu>, mdf@tut.cis.ohio-state.edu (Mark D. Freeman) writes:
> In <831@ektools.UUCP> jim@ektools.UUCP (James Hugh Moore) writes:
> >Basically, he has asked me if
> >there is a way of keeping source in one directory and objects in another and
> >using one makefile.  
> >we would like to specify paths from a common directory, and have different
> >directories for source, objects, special testing software, etc.
> I am in need of similar advice.  I want:
> /foo = sources
> /foo/reg = objects
> /foo/special = objects created with certain #defines the regular ones
> 		don't have.
> just doesn't hack it.   Yes, I'm doing some things under MSDOS...

On UNIX, the following should work. I'll base the example on the following
directory structure (which I think is a little more common than the one

     ------------------- || --------------
     |            -------||------        |
     |            |             |        |
    bin        include         obj      src

Also, assume theat the makefile is in the 'src' directory.
# BASE == the root directory of the project
BASE = ..

INC_DIR = $(BASE)/include
OBJ_DIR = $(BASE)/obj
BIN_DIR = $(BASE)/bin

PRODUCT = foobar


OBJ_FILES = $(OBJ_DIR)/foo.o \


$(OBJ_DIR)/foo.o: $(SRC_DIR)/foo.c $(INC_DIR)/hdr.h
		$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(SRC_DIR)/bar.c

$(OBJ_DIR)/bar.o: $(SRC_DIR)/bar.c $(INC_DIR)/hdr.h
		$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(SPEC_DEFS) $(SRC_DIR)/bar.c
Whether or not these types of constructs work under MS-DOS depends
on whose 'make' command you are using. I have one version of make
that is almost totally compatible with unix make, and another that
would not handle this at all.

Note that the same techniques used above can be used with multiple
source or object directories. If you need to be able to build multiple
versions of a particular object with different #defines, try the following:

$(OBJ_DIR_A)/foo.o: $(SRC_DIR)/foo.c $(INC_DIR)/hdr.h
		$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(SPEC_DEFS_1) $(SRC_DIR)/bar.c

$(OBJ_DIR_B)/foo.o: $(SRC_DIR)/foo.c $(INC_DIR)/hdr.h
		$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(SPEC_DEFS_2) $(SRC_DIR)/bar.c

		$(CC) $(LDFLAGS) -o $(PRODUCT_1) $(OBJ_FILES_1)

		$(CC) $(LDFLAGS) -o $(PRODUCT_2) $(OBJ_FILES_2)

Hope this helps. Let me kow if I confused you more than ever!

                              Dave Wallis
                       AT&T Network Systems, Inc.
                            (312) 510-6238

schaefer@ogcvax.UUCP (Barton E. Schaefer) (09/26/87)

In article <ihlpm.1413> snafu@ihlpm.ATT.COM (Wallis) writes:
}In article <204@tut.cis.ohio-state.edu>, mdf@tut.cis.ohio-state.edu (Mark D. Freeman) writes:
}>In <831@ektools.UUCP> jim@ektools.UUCP (James Hugh Moore) writes:
}>>... a way of keeping source in one directory and objects in another and
}>>using one makefile.  
}> I am in need of similar advice.
}On UNIX, the following should work. I'll base the example on the following
}directory structure ...
}INC_DIR = $(BASE)/include
}OBJ_DIR = $(BASE)/obj
} [...]
}$(OBJ_DIR)/foo.o: $(SRC_DIR)/foo.c $(INC_DIR)/hdr.h
}		$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(SRC_DIR)/foo.c

This works OK, but what if there are several dozen source files and
corresponding objects?  Do you really want to specify every single one of those
dependencies and compilation commands, where the only thing that changes from
line to line is the basename of the file?

The VPATH variable (found in 4.3BSD make, among others) helps a little, but
can't specify different object directories and leaves something to be desired
even in terms of local objects depending on "remote" sources.  For example,
given the dependency

foo : foo.o
	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) foo.o -o foo

where foo.c is in a VPATH-specified directory, the "right " thing happens if
you say "make foo".  But if you type "make foo.o" (which works under the
default ".c.o:" dependency if foo.c is in the same directory) simply does
nothing -- doesn't even complain that it can't make foo.c.

Is there any way to handle this?

Bart Schaefer			CSNET:	schaefer@Oregon-Grad
				UUCP:	...{tektronix,verdix}!ogcvax!schaefer
"This area is like heaven, and they want to turn it into California."
		-- Joseph Cook, Amish farmer, protesting highway construction

evas@euraiv1.UUCP (Eelco van Asperen) (09/29/87)

In article <1413@ihlpm.ATT.COM>, snafu@ihlpm.ATT.COM (Wallis) writes:
> $(OBJ_DIR)/foo.o: $(SRC_DIR)/foo.c $(INC_DIR)/hdr.h
> 		$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(SRC_DIR)/bar.c
> $(OBJ_DIR)/bar.o: $(SRC_DIR)/bar.c $(INC_DIR)/hdr.h
> 		$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(SPEC_DEFS) $(SRC_DIR)/bar.c

This works but what I'ld really want are inference rules that "know"
about sub-directories; fe.

		cc $(CFLAGS) $< -o $(OBJ_DIR)

	$(OBJ_DIR)/foo.o:	$(SRC_DIR)/foo.c $(INC_DIR)/hdr.h

This apparently failes with the current make because a pathname ending in
.o (fe. obj/foo.o) will not match the '.c.o' template that is defined for
the inference rule so make will complain "don't know how to make foo.o".
Unless someone can come up with a (valid) reason for this behaviour, 
I consider this a bug in make.

Eelco van Asperen.

Erasmus University Rotterdam             |uucp:mcvax!eurifb!euraiv1!evas
Fac. of Economics, Computer Science Dept.|earn:asperen@hroeur5
PO.box  1738 / 3000 DR  Rotterdam        |       
T H E    N E T H E R L A N D S           |Yet Another Silly Signature.

beede@hubcap.UUCP (Mike Beede) (10/04/87)

On our Celerity system (a BSD derivative), make allows use
of the special name .PREFIXES, whose dependents specify
directories to search for sources when using the inference

The objects get created in the current directory, though.
There's probably some way around that . . .
Mike Beede                      
Computer Science Dept.          UUCP: . . . !hubcap!beede
Clemson University              INET: beede@hubcap.clemson.edu
Clemson SC 29634-1906           YOUR DIME: (803)656-{2845,3444}

chris@nrcvax.UUCP (Chris Grevstad) (10/06/87)

schaefer@ogcvax.UUCP (Barton E. Schaefer) says:
>The VPATH variable (found in 4.3BSD make, among others) helps a little, but
>can't specify different object directories and leaves something to be desired
>even in terms of local objects depending on "remote" sources.  For example,
>given the dependency
>foo : foo.o
>	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) foo.o -o foo
>where foo.c is in a VPATH-specified directory, the "right " thing happens if
>you say "make foo".  But if you type "make foo.o" (which works under the
>default ".c.o:" dependency if foo.c is in the same directory) simply does
>nothing -- doesn't even complain that it can't make foo.c.
>Is there any way to handle this?

Uh, this worked ok for me.  I am using the BSD4.3 make (with some local
mods to handle the SYSV library stuff and the $(?:.o=.c) thing).  It may
be that what hacking I have done has changed the behavior of make, but
I don't think so.


Well, I just compiled up the vanilla make direct from downtown BSD4.3 and it
still worked.  Not sure what your problem is unless it's that you aren't
using the 4.3 stuff.

On a slightly different note, as long as I'm hacking on make (and have learned
yacc), what kinds of things do you think make should be able to do?  It must
fit into the current vision of make, not the new make from Glen Fowler.

	Chris Grevstad

  Where subtlety fails us we must simply make do with cream pies.