[comp.unix.questions] Where to find USENIX publications.

jack@csccat.UUCP (Jack Hudler) (12/03/87)

	I am posting this for a friend:

	I am try to track down a source for copies/reprints
	of the proceedings of Usenix Workshop on Computer
	Graphics (specifically, December 1985, but also other
	years as well) 
	Does anyone have a pointer to where one can obtain
	Usenix Sponsored Publications?
	I know this must be common knowledge but "I here am New".

	Thanks in advance for the assistance.

	Please E-Mail to  jack@csccat.UUCP    killer!csccat!jack
See above 	 (214)661-8960

lawitzke@eecae.UUCP (John Lawitzke) (12/05/87)

$ 	I am try to track down a source for copies/reprints
$ 	of the proceedings of Usenix Workshop on Computer
$ 	Graphics (specifically, December 1985, but also other
$ 	years as well) 
$ 	Does anyone have a pointer to where one can obtain
$ 	Usenix Sponsored Publications?

You can get them from:

USENIX Association
P.O. Box 2299
Berkley CA, 94710.

e-mail:  usenix!office    (for more info)

This information was gotten from ";login:" the bimonthly publication
of the Usenix Association. Most Graphics Workshop Proceedings are $10.

j                                UUCP: ...ihnp4!msudoc!eecae!lawitzke
"And it's just a box of rain..." ARPA: lawitzke@eecae.ee.msu.edu  (