[comp.unix.questions] How to comment #!/bin/csh

randy@umn-cs.cs.umn.edu (Randy Orrison) (12/15/87)

For a utility we are using here at CDC, we need a line at the top of each
file, for example /* @(#)filename */ for c files, # @(#)filename in makefiles,
but what can I do with a shell script?  I want the #!/bin/csh at the
beginning of the line, but I can't find any way to put a comment on the rest
of the line.  Any suggestions?
Randy Orrison, University of Minnesota School of Mathematics  |
UUCP:	{ihnp4, seismo!rutgers, sun}!umn-cs!randy	      |  (hello?)
ARPA:	randy@ux.acss.umn.edu		BITNET: randy@umnacca |
"I need a unit to sample and hold, but not the angry one: a new design."