[comp.unix.questions] multiple printcaps -> one printer?

kak@stc-auts.UUCP (Kris Kugel) (12/23/87)

I have some short, cute filters which I use to print Sun rasterfiles
onto Epson 286e printer.  The problem is, in order to send the data
for the pins to the printer, I can't have such useful things as
XON/XOFF turned on, and the baud rate must be low.  However, there
is only the one printer available on the system, and it looses characters
even at (relatively) slow rates without XON/XOFF.  I don't know
a lot about how printcap works.

Is there some way of setting up two logical printers for the same
/dev/<printdev> with different speeds, etc?  Is there some other,
reasonable solution to this problem?  Am I missing some thing basic?

	Thanx in Advance,
	Kris A. Kugel
	Storage Tek:    ...{ uunet!nbires, hao, ihnp4 }!stcvax!stc-auts!kak