[comp.unix.questions] Need help handing aliases to wm

nkhan@polyslo.UUCP (Naseer Mohammed Khan) (01/03/88)

	I am using the program wm to run a multi-window session over
dial up with a vt-100 emulation.  My problem is that I have quite a few
aliases set up in my .login file but when I start up wm none of my aliases
get carried over to the new shells.  How can I have the new shells have the same aliases or make wm set them for me on startup?

	I don't read this newsgroup often so please mail me at the 
address below.   Thanks in advance!

   ihnp4!psivax!csun  \                       |
                       >!polyslo!nkhan        |  Centeral Coast Amiga Network
   ucbvax!sdcsvax!sdsu/                       |     Try Us You'll Luv It!!
                          nkhan@polyslo.UUCP  |

dsg@mitre-bedford.arpa (Dave Goldberg) (01/04/88)


> 	I am using the program wm to run a multi-window session over
> dial up with a vt-100 emulation.  My problem is that I have quite a few
> aliases set up in my .login file but when I start up wm none of my aliases
> get carried over to the new shells.  How can I have the new shells have the same aliases or make wm set them for me on startup?

	The .login file is only read at login time.  WM just starts
subshells.  To get your aliases in all the windows, put them in the file
.cshrc instead of .login.  .cshrc is read by the shell for every shell
started, including the login shell.  .login should be used for setting up a
terminal type and environmental (setenv) variables and anything else that
gets propagated to subshells.

Dave Goldberg	             ARPA: dsg@mitre-bedford.arpa
The Mitre Corporation        UUCP: linus!mbunix!dsg
MS B015
Bedford, MA 01730