[comp.unix.questions] USENET/netnews

richr@etl.arpa (richard rosenthal) (01/07/88)

Is it possible for a milnet site to receive USENET/netnews?

How is this accomplished?

Richard Rosenthal
US Army Engineer Topographic Laboratories
Fort Belvoir, Virginia 22060-5546
(202) 355-2830


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Date:     Wed, 6 Jan 88 14:08:31 est
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From:     richr@etl.arpa
Subject:  USENET/netnews
Comments: To: info-unix@BRL.ARPA

Is it possible for a milnet site to receive USENET/netnews?

How is this accomplished?

Richard Rosenthal
US Army Engineer Topographic Laboratories
Fort Belvoir, Virginia 22060-5546
(202) 355-2830

===== Reply from Richard Botting <PAAAAAR> ===========================

Contact Mike muss(sp?)INFO-UNIX-REQUEST@BRL.ARPA

ron@topaz.rutgers.edu (Ron Natalie) (01/08/88)

Milnet and other Internet sites can pick up net news over the net
via a protocol called NNTP.  As someone else suggested, due to your
proximity to BRL (and since they know who you are anyway) they are
the logical people to try.  There are other MILNET and ARPANET NNTP
nodes as well.
