[comp.unix.questions] uucico window size

erik@mpx1.UUCP (Erik Murrey) (03/02/88)

Does anyone have any fixes to expand the window size of uucico?  I
am running SCO XENIX V2.1.3/286 and I do not have a source license.
When running uucico over PC-PURSUIT at 1200 baud, I only get
a throughput of 63cps becuase of the small (3?) window size
that was compiled into my uucico binary.


Please e-mail responses.

Thanks in advance
Erik Murrey                             /|   //  /~~~~/  |  /
MPX Data Systems, Inc.                 / | / /  /____/   |/
                                      /  /  /  /        /|  Data Systems, Inc. 
erik@mpx1.UUCP {ihnp4,bpa}!mpx1!erik /     /  /       /  |====================