[comp.unix.questions] want to read RSX-11M or RT-11 RX-50 Floppies from Ultrix

WIESEL%DKAUNI0P.BITNET@cunyvm.cuny.e (Joachim Wiesel0721-6082316) (03/11/88)

We want to transfer data from a Micro PDP-11 (running RSX-11M) to a
MicroVax-II (Ultrix 1.1) via 5 1/4 inch RX50-Floppies. Has someone
out there written a program to read such files ?
Thank you very much
Joachim Wiesel
Joachim Wiesel, Department of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (IPF)
Karlsruhe University,                      P.O.Box 6980, Englerstr. 7
D-7500 Karlsruhe, West-Germany,                Tel.: +49 721 608 2316

chris@mimsy.UUCP (Chris Torek) (03/12/88)

In article <12233@brl-adm.ARPA> WIESEL%DKAUNI0P.BITNET@cunyvm.cuny.e
(Joachim Wiesel0721-6082316) writes:				 [.e?]
>We want to transfer data from a Micro PDP-11 (running RSX-11M) to a
>MicroVax-II (Ultrix 1.1) via 5 1/4 inch RX50-Floppies.

/etc/arff reads RT-11 (acutally FILES-11) file systems.  Ultrix 2.x
(maybe 1.x as well) has what looks like a complete rewrite of arff, so
with any luck it should work on any FILES-11 structure.  I know from
experimental evidence that 4.3BSD arff works on 8200 RX50s (although if
you try to `create' a file system, it will leave too few free blocks;
so I `create' new floppies by copying existing DEC floppies with dd).
In-Real-Life: Chris Torek, Univ of MD Comp Sci Dept (+1 301 454 7163)
Domain:	chris@mimsy.umd.edu	Path:	uunet!mimsy!chris

pdb@sei.cmu.edu (Patrick Barron) (03/15/88)

In article <12233@brl-adm.ARPA> WIESEL%DKAUNI0P.BITNET@cunyvm.cuny.e (Joachim Wiesel0721-6082316) writes:
>We want to transfer data from a Micro PDP-11 (running RSX-11M) to a
>MicroVax-II (Ultrix 1.1) via 5 1/4 inch RX50-Floppies.

/etc/arff should be able to read RT-11 format floppies just fine.


cmf@cisunx.UUCP (Carl M. Fongheiser) (03/18/88)

In article <10623@mimsy.UUCP> chris@mimsy.UUCP (Chris Torek) writes:
>/etc/arff reads RT-11 (acutally FILES-11) file systems.  Ultrix 2.x
>(maybe 1.x as well) has what looks like a complete rewrite of arff, so
>with any luck it should work on any FILES-11 structure.

FILES-11 and RT-11 file systems are NOT the same.  FILES-11 (also known
as ODS-1) is the file system used by RSX-11, and is the little brother
to ODS-2, the file system normally used by VAX/VMS.  /etc/arff reads
and writes RT-11 volumes, not FILES-11.

				Carl Fongheiser
				University of Pittsburgh
				...!pitt!cisunx!cmf   cmf@pittvms.BITNET