[comp.unix.questions] UNIX or Unix?

jboede@auscso.UUCP (Jon Boede) (03/18/88)

While it may seem fairly trivial, this is a serious question.  I do a good deal
of writing about and (a little) justifying of UNIX and it's surfaced in my
attention that there really doesn't seem to be an official way of capitalizing
it.  Even AT&T is a little schizo about it.

I've taken to UNIX as my UNIX Programmer's Manual (c) 1979 puts it that way and
I take that particular book as to have been written by the people who wrote the
operating system... "they wrote it, so they can call it and capitalize it any
way they like," goes my logic.

The most recent and (in it's own trivial way) disturbing occurance of "Unix"
that I've seen appeared in a Newsweek article on Sun Microsystems.

Granted, this is not a burning question but it would be nice to get it pinned
down once and for all.


UNIX is a Trademark of Bell Laboratories.  <-- from the v7 manual.
Jon Boede		jboede@auscso.UUCP, jon%bodedo@im4u.cs.utexas.edu
1301 Trace Dr. #204, Austin, TX 78741-1735		(512) 462-3287
	"People who are incapable of making decisions are
	 the ones that hit those barrels at freeway exits."

dmt@ptsfa.UUCP (Dave Turner) (03/19/88)

In article <2614@auscso.UUCP> jboede@auscso.UUCP (Jon Boede) writes:
>While it may seem fairly trivial, this is a serious question.  I do a good deal
>of writing about and (a little) justifying of UNIX and it's surfaced in my
>attention that there really doesn't seem to be an official way of capitalizing
>it.  Even AT&T is a little schizo about it.

Several years ago AT&T sent me a letter that contained the following:

The name UNIX is a trademark of Bell Laboratories and must be protected as such.
The rules for protecting trademarks are summarized as follows:

1.  Whenever you write any document refering to UNIX*
    (or to any other computer program or service that has "UNIX" in
    its name), footnote its first occurence in the text (not in the title)
    precisely as is shown here.
2.  Do not use "UNIX" (or any name containing "UNIX") to refer
    to anything other than such a computer program or service.
3.  Do use "UNIX" as an adjective or modifier.
4.  Make sure you always use full caps for "UNIX" (no more "Unix"!).

* UNIX is a Trademark of Bell Laboratories.
Dave Turner	415/542-1299	{ihnp4,lll-crg,qantel,pyramid}!ptsfa!dmt

avolio@decuac.dec.com (Frederick M. Avolio) (03/19/88)

Actually, it's UnIx.


gwyn@brl-smoke.ARPA (Doug Gwyn ) (03/20/88)

A pamphlet from AT&T explaining the proper use of their trademarks
says that UNIX must be "typographically distinct", and their
examples show UNIX not Unix.

maxwell@ablnc.ATT.COM (Robert Maxwell) (03/22/88)

In article <4190@ptsfa.UUCP>, dmt@ptsfa.UUCP (Dave Turner) writes:
> In article <2614@auscso.UUCP> jboede@auscso.UUCP (Jon Boede) writes:
> >While it may seem fairly trivial, this is a serious question.  I do a good deal
> >of writing about and (a little) justifying of UNIX and it's surfaced in my
> >attention that there really doesn't seem to be an official way of capitalizing
> >it.  Even AT&T is a little schizo about it.
> >
> Several years ago AT&T sent me a letter that contained the following:
> * UNIX is a Trademark of Bell Laboratories.

The current correct form of the footnote is:

 * UNIX is a registered trademark of AT&T

AT&T has registered UNIX as a trademark. Another legal form, where the
proper symbol is available is UNIX with the 'R' in a circle superscripted
after the word UNIX.

It is also correct that it is UNIX, not Unix, misinformed AT&T employees

R. M. Maxwell   AT&T DP&CT           |  I speak for nobody-
Maitland, FL    ablnc!delilah!bob    |  not even myself.

rbj@icst-cmr.arpa (Root Boy Jim) (04/05/88)

   4.  Make sure you always use full caps for "UNIX" (no more "Unix"!).

Gee, I guess now you have to boot /UNIX :-)

	(Root Boy) Jim Cottrell	<rbj@icst-cmr.arpa>
	National Bureau of Standards
	Flamer's Hotline: (301) 975-5688
While my BRAINPAN is being refused service in BURGER KING,
 Jesuit priests are DATING CAREER DIPLOMATS!!