[comp.unix.questions] Postscript for IBM 3800 Laser Printer

burgess@pioneer.arpa (Ken Burgess RCD) (04/05/88)

We are attempting to create a centralized printing facility, and would
like to obtain a postscript interface to an IBM 3800 Laser Printer.
I have called around, but there does not seem to be any pre-existing
sofware to interface the two.  Our other solution is to devise the
system ourselves in which case I would like to obtain(free or purchase),
the source code for a full postscript interpreter which we could then
hack to output 3800 Data Stream.

If anyone knows anything about this particular type of problem or port,
obtaining pre-existing conversion software, or the source for the
Postscript interpreter please let me know, Ill be happy to share any
more knowledge we have aquired and possibly the final product if/when it
gets developed.

			Thanks in Advance, 

  Ken Burgess			UUCP: {topaz,lll-crg,ucbvax}!
  Mail Stop: 233-9			ames!pioneer!burgess
  NASA-Ames Research Center	ARPA: burgess%pioneer@ames.arc.nasa.gov
  Moffett Field, CA 94035	ARPA: burgess@pioneer.arc.nasa.gov
  (415)-694-6347		ARPA: burgess@ames-pioneer.arpa

ron@topaz.rutgers.edu (Ron Natalie) (04/08/88)

Why don't you harrass your IBM sales weenie, they have been rumoring postscript
support through AFP, but I don't think they'd announced it yet.


esf00@amdahl.uts.amdahl.com (Elliott S. Frank) (04/09/88)

In article <Apr.> ron@topaz.rutgers.edu (Ron Natalie) writes:
>Why don't you harrass your IBM sales weenie, they have been rumoring postscript
>support through AFP, but I don't think they'd announced it yet.

Yes, they announced it March 1.  What you want is the announcement for
IBM Publishing Systems ProcessMaster Release 2 (5664-387).  It will
take certain types of AFPDS (Advanced Function Printer Data Stream) files
and convert them into PostScript files.  Read the announcement (three
pages of mice type) for technical details, price, and availability.

(I happened to have the announcement on the desk in front of me when I
saw this note; otherwise, I wouldn't know anything at all about it!)


Elliott Frank      ...!{hplabs,ames,sun}!amdahl!esf00     (408) 746-6384
               or ....!{bnrmtv,drivax,hoptoad}!amdahl!esf00

[the above opinions are strictly mine, if anyone's.]
[the above signature may or may not be repeated, depending upon some
inscrutable property of the mailer-of-the-week.]
Elliott Frank      ...!{hplabs,ames,sun}!amdahl!esf00     (408) 746-6384
               or ....!{bnrmtv,drivax,hoptoad}!amdahl!esf00

[the above opinions are strictly mine, if anyone's.]
[the above signature may or may not be repeated, depending upon some
inscrutable property of the mailer-of-the-week.]