myron@nvuxl.UUCP (Myron Seto) (04/11/88)
I am very curious if there is a way to get to the minitel system in France. I know that one can get to France Unix system by ...!uunet!mcvax!inria, but is minitel connected to inria in anyway. I would greatly appreciate if someone would send me e-mail if they know! Thanks in advance.......myron Je me demande s'il y a une facon d'obtenir les annonces de minitel en France par ...!uunet!mcvax!inria!....!minitel. Si vous savez, envoyez-moi par 'e-mail' la facon! Je vous remercie en avance!!! myron -- Myron Seto (201)758-2941 {clyde,rutgers,ulysses}!bellcore!nvuxl!myron