[comp.unix.questions] Awk to C program requested.

isn01@ms3.UUCP (Larry Johnson) (06/11/88)

I would find the program useful as well.  Please send (or post) if
anyone has such a utility.


Larry Johnson   UUCP: ...!umd5!vrdxhq!ms3!lgj    ARPA: lgj@hios-pent.arpa
    ISN Corporation		                 MaBell: (703) 979-8900
    1235 Jefferson Davis Hwy, Suite 220
    Arlington, VA 22202
Larry Johnson   UUCP: ...!umd5!vrdxhq!ms3!lgj    ARPA: lgj@hios-pent.arpa
    ISN Corporation		                 MaBell: (703) 979-8900
    1235 Jefferson Davis Hwy, Suite 220
    Arlington, VA 22202