[comp.unix.questions] Appending a log file during CU

john@wa3wbu.UUCP (John Gayman) (07/10/88)

    I have been using the simple command string "cu system | tee log.file"
to log the results from a CU session. Can someone shed some light on 
what string I could use to "append" to a logfile. So that subsequent
"cu system | tee log.file" would keep appending file "log.file" instead
of replacing it each time.  Thanks for any suggestions.


John Gayman, WA3WBU              |           UUCP: uunet!wa3wbu!john
1869 Valley Rd.                  |           ARPA: wa3wbu!john@uunet.UU.NET 
Marysville, PA 17053             |           Packet: WA3WBU @ AK3P 

wu@spot.Colorado.EDU (WU SHI-KUEI) (07/11/88)

In article <607@wa3wbu.UUCP> john@wa3wbu.UUCP (John Gayman) writes:
>    I have been using the simple command string "cu system | tee log.file"
>to log the results from a CU session. Can someone shed some light on 
>what string I could use to "append" to a logfile. So that subsequent
>"cu system | tee log.file" would keep appending file "log.file" instead
>of replacing it each time.  Thanks for any suggestions.

	cu system | tee -a log.file

works like gang busters on our 3B2

Carl Brandauer

gwyn@brl-smoke.ARPA (Doug Gwyn ) (07/11/88)

In article <7044@sigi.Colorado.EDU> wu@spot.Colorado.EDU (WU SHI-KUEI) writes:
>	cu system | tee -a log.file

And if your "tee" command doesn't support -a, try
	cu system | tee /dev/tty >>log.file

mbennett@midas.UUCP (07/12/88)

in article <607@wa3wbu.UUCP>, john@wa3wbu.UUCP (John Gayman) says:
>     I have been using the simple command string "cu system | tee log.file"
> to log the results from a CU session. Can someone shed some light on 
> what string I could use to "append" to a logfile. So that subsequent
> "cu system | tee log.file" would keep appending file "log.file" instead
> of replacing it each time.  Thanks for any suggestions.
> 					John

      "cu system | tee -a log.file" will work.


Mike Bennett
Languages Development
Gould Computer Systems Division
Ft. Lauderdale, Florida
I am paid to work and to think for my employer - so I do.
I am NOT paid to speak for my employer - so I don't.