[comp.unix.questions] AWK for VAX/VMS?

wswietse@eutrc3.UUCP (Wietse Venema) (08/09/88)

Does a VAX/VMS implementation of the AWK programming language exist?
It does not have to be the the new awk (with functions) as described in
the book by Aho, Kernighan and Weinberger.  It should run on `bare'
VMS, which rules out the AWK one gets with the DECshell.  Perhaps GNU
awkis a viable alternative? Any information would be appreciated.

For VMS folks who do not know AWK: it is a UNIX utility that combines
pattern matching, string manipulations and arithmetic with C-style flow
control, which makes it excellent tool for e.g. creating report generators.

I am asking this for a friend who currently has no access to Usenet.
He sent a request for information to the publisher of the book, several
weeks ago, but has not yet received any reply. Hence this posting.

			Wietse Venema
uucp:	mcvax!eutrc3!wswietse	| Eindhoven University of Technology
bitnet:	wswietse@heithe5	| Dept. of Mathematics and Computing Science
surf:	tuerc5::wswietse	| Eindhoven, The Netherlands.