wombat@urbsdc.Urbana.Gould.COM (08/15/88)
/* Written 6:22 pm Aug 6, 1988 by paul@cantuar.UUCP in urbsdc:comp.unix.questions */ One person replied that Unix programmers have to know vi, and that emacs should only be taught to people who already know vi. /* End of text from urbsdc:comp.unix.questions */ Funny, I thought I'd been a unix programmer for 4+ years but I speak very little vi (10-15 commands). ed works well enough for getting your system into a state where it can run emacs. "I think you should kill him and eat his brain," Mr. Frostee said quickly. "That's not the answer to *every* problem in interpersonal relations," Cobb said. *Software*, Rudy Rucker Wombat uunet!uiucuxc!urbsdc!wombat, wombat@urbsdc.Urbana.Gould.COM