[comp.unix.questions] CURSES Tutorials

pete@tutor.UUCP (Peter Schmitt) (08/29/88)

I would like any information on books or tutorials on programming
with the curses library.

wu@spot.Colorado.EDU (WU SHI-KUEI) (08/29/88)

In article <430@tutor.UUCP> pete@tutor.UUCP (Peter Schmitt) writes:
>I would like any information on books or tutorials on programming
>with the curses library.

"Topics in C" by Kochan & Wood and "UNIX Systems Programming" by Haviland
and Salama contain chapters on curses.

Just a guest here - in real life:
Carl Brandauer

serge@imag.imag.fr (Serge Rouveyrol) (08/30/88)

In article <430@tutor.UUCP> pete@tutor.UUCP (Peter Schmitt) writes:
>I would like any information on books or tutorials on programming
>with the curses library.

A Nutshell Handbook : Programming with Curses, by John Strang,
O'Reilly & Associate, Inc. 981 Chestnut Street , Newton MA 02164

"Les jours de pluie ...  etc ... "
serge@imag.imag.fr      serge@imag.UUCP      uunet.uu.net!imag!serge
Rouveyrol Serge,Laboratoire L.G.I,BP 53,38041 Grenoble , CEDEX , FRANCE

seeger@beach.cis.ufl.edu (Charles Seeger) (08/31/88)

In article <3022@boulder.Colorado.EDU> wu@spot.Colorado.EDU (WU SHI-KUEI) writes:
>In article <430@tutor.UUCP> pete@tutor.UUCP (Peter Schmitt) writes:
>>I would like any information on books or tutorials on programming
>>with the curses library.
>"Topics in C" by Kochan & Wood and "UNIX Systems Programming" by Haviland
>and Salama contain chapters on curses.

Also try "Advanced C Programming for Displays" by Marc Rochkind (Prentice-
Hall, 1988).  This book discusses the implementation of an editor and 
windows for character displays using termcap and curses for UNIX(tm) and
using BIOS calls and memory-mapped video for an IBM PC.  Curses comes out
being pretty slow.


kucharsk@amdahl.uts.amdahl.com (William Kucharski) (08/31/88)

There's a book (actually, it's more like a large pamphlet) on curses called
"Programming with Curses."  It's a "Nutshell Handbook(tm)" by O'Reilly &
Associates, Inc., and is pretty good.  It's pretty cheap (around $5 or so) too.

					William Kucharski

ARPA: kucharsk@uts.amdahl.com
UUCP: ...!{ames,decwrl,sun,uunet}!amdahl!kucharsk

Disclaimer:  The opinions expressed above are my own, and may not agree with
	     those of any other sentient being, not to mention those of my 

nff0132@dsacg3.UUCP (Chuck Hoff) (08/31/88)

In article <430@tutor.UUCP>, pete@tutor.UUCP (Peter Schmitt) writes:
> I would like any information on books or tutorials on programming
> with the curses library.

The best book I've seen on Curses is the Nutshell Handbook titled
Programming with Curses which is available from

O'Reilly & Associates, Inc.
171 Jackson Street
Newton, MA 02159
(617) 527-4210

You may be able to find it locally if your lucky. 
I ordered my copy from Cucumber Books which is in the Wash D.C. area
sorry but I don't remember their address.
Chuck Hoff  (osu-cis!dsacg1!choff)  614-238-9785  (AV 850-9785)
From the Internet: choff%dsacg1.uucp@daitc.arpa    He who stands on own two feet
Defense Logistics Agency Systems Automation Center     has hard time putting
DSAC-FFA, P.O. Box 1605, Columbus, OH 43216                foot in mouth 

dave@clsib21.UUCP (David P. Hansen) (09/01/88)

In article <992@dsacg3.UUCP> nff0132@dsacg3.UUCP (Chuck Hoff) writes:
>In article <430@tutor.UUCP>, pete@tutor.UUCP (Peter Schmitt) writes:
>O'Reilly & Associates, Inc.
>171 Jackson Street    <----\ 
>Newton, MA 02159           |
Old Address!---------------/
New one:
981 Chestnut Street
Newton, MA 02164

And they have the new X11 programming manuals out (3 vol set). Every reference
I've seen from this company has been excellant!
		ONLY BIG BABIES			    David P. Hansen, CLSI, Inc.
		ARE PRO-CHOICE!			    320 Nevada Street
				            	    Newtonville, MA  02160
Internet: dave%clsib21.uucp@bbn.com	    UUCP: {...}bbn!clsib21!dave

tim@ora.UUCP (Tim O'Reilly) (09/02/88)

In article <adatw49ue.1010tlh=Q@amdahl.uts.amdahl.com>, kucharsk@amdahl.uts.amdahl.com (William Kucharski) writes:
> There's a book (actually, it's more like a large pamphlet) on curses called
> "Programming with Curses."  It's a "Nutshell Handbook(tm)" by O'Reilly &
> Associates, Inc., and is pretty good.  It's pretty cheap (around $5 or so) too

Actually, the book is $9 plus shipping if you order direct
from us.  It's also available in good technical bookstores
(such as Computer Literacy in various Silicon Valley
locations).  To order, call 1-800-338-NUTS.

Tim O'Reilly (617) 527-4210
O'Reilly & Associates, Inc., Publishers of Nutshell Handbooks
981 Chestnut Street, Newton, MA 02164
UUCP:	uunet!ora!tim      ARPA:   tim@ora.uu.net