[comp.unix.questions] computer call back

cmiller@hao.ucar.edu (Charlie Miller) (09/09/88)

A while back there was some conversation about dialing up a host unix
computer, executing some program, hanging up, then being called back
by the host computer.  I did not (at the time) have a use for this,
thus I didnt save any articles concerning it.  If someone saved the
source or any info, could you e-mail it to me? Thanks.


Believe it if you need it...
-Charles E. Miller      Software Engineer
USPS Mail:              High Altitude Observatory
			P.O. Box 3000
			Boulder CO  80307
UUCP:                   {arizona,decvax,ihnp4}!hao!cmiller
Internet:               cmiller@hao.ucar.edu