[comp.unix.questions] Problem with rshd

halvers@iraq.steinmetz (Peter C. Halverson) (03/07/89)

I recently switched from working on Suns to working on Symbolics, and,
while there are some neat things about the lisp machine environment,
there were also some useful utilities on the Suns that I don't have the
time to try and re-implement in Lisp :-)    Subsequently, I've been
trying to set up a "rsh" interface, so I can execute processes remotely
on a Sun and get the output on my lispm.  My problem is that the rshd(8)
server doesn't seem to want to perform for me, even when I use all the
magic specified in the man(1) pages.   Some specifics:

   1) I'm dialing out from a privileged port on the Symbolics;

   2) I've got an entry in my ~/.rhosts file on <sun_host>, ala

           <lispm_host> <lispm_userid>

      with exactly one space between the two tokens, and <lispm_host> is
      what <sun_host> thinks it should be called;

   3) <lispm_host> is in <sun_host>'s hostname data base; and
   4) I have a valid account on <sun_host> under <sun_userid>.

Also running ruserok(3n) on <sun_host> with rhost = <lispm_host>, ruser
= <lispm_userid>, and luser = <sun_userid>, succeeds (returns 0).

However, when I send a request of the form


from <lispm_host> to rshd(8) on <sun_host>, I get the error response
"Login incorrect.", which seems utterly bogus.   Is anyone familiar with
what's going on here?


(yeah, I know I could use rexecd(8) instead, and for the moment I am,
but it's a pain typing in my password all the time---besides, enquiring
minds want to know!)
Pete Halverson                       INET: pch@vega.steinmetz.ge.com 
GE Corporate R&D Center	             UUCP: uunet!steinmetz!vega!pch
Schenectady, NY			     ARPA: halverson@ge-crd.ARPA 

"There's a very fine line between stupid and clever."  --- This is Spinal Tap