[comp.unix.questions] USENET over TCP/IP?

peters@cc.msstate.edu (Frank W. Peters) (04/06/89)


     We are an internet only site (that is, not connected to the uucp
network).  We have recently become interested in obtaining a USENET
feed.  I understand that it is possible to do so over tcp/ip links.

     I have the following three questions:

(1)  How much resources in terms of disk space and/or cpu should we expect to
     allocate for a full USENET feed? Would it noticably degrade the
     performance of a Sun 4/260?  Would it require 100 meg of disk space?
     10 meg?  A gigabyte?

(2)  Where do I obtain the necessary programs?  I am assuming that they are
     public domain?

(3)  Where do I start in arranging the administrative details (such as
     getting someone to agree to send us the stuff)?  We are connected
     through SURAnet (part of NSFnet) if that makes a difference.

     Please reply to me directly if you have answers to any of the above 

                        Thank You
                        Frank Peters

| Systems Programmer                 |   Mississippi State University  |
| Phone:    (601) 325-2942           |   Computing Center and Services |
| Internet:  peters@CC.MsState.Edu   |   Post Office Drawer CC         |
| BITNET:    PETERS@MSSTATE.BITNET   |   Mississippi State, MS.  39762 |
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