[comp.unix.questions] ubackup, uqueue

mike@yunexus.yorku.ca (Mike Marques) (04/18/89)


I hope this posting is not inappropriate for this newsgroup.  Has
anyone out there used or is currently using uqueue and/or ubackup from
Unitech Software Inc.?  If so could you comment on the general
usefulness and reliability of the products?  

Please e-mail as I assume this will not be of general interest.
Thanks in advance.


Mike Marques                         | Usenet: ......!utzoo!yunexus!mike 
York University (Computing Services) |         mike@nexus.yorku.ca
-------------------------------------| Bitnet: mike@libra.yorku.ca
Only visiting this planet...         | Voice:  (416) 736-5257

cs411s03@uhccux.uhcc.hawaii.edu (Cs411s03) (04/19/89)

I also am interested in UniTech products, specifically their usecure
package. Is anyone familiar with their products, i.e ease of installation,
and use ? 
