[comp.unix.questions] Re^2: Diff between set and setenv - here's the whole bunch

maart@cs.vu.nl (Maarten Litmaath) (04/27/89)

barmar@think.COM (Barry Margolin) writes:
\Note that if you work in a networked environment it may be necessary
\to put just about everything into .cshrc.  If you use rsh to execute
\commands on other hosts, only the .cshrc will be run, and not the

Excerpts from my .cshrc and .login follow.
# .cshrc

if (! $?HOST) source ._login

# some aliases

if (! $?prompt) exit

set	cdpath	= (~ ~/src/l)
set	history	= 50
set	ignoreeof
set	notify
set	b	= $cwd

if ($?TTY) then
	if ($TERM != sun || $TTY != /dev/console || `tty` == $TTY) exit
setenv	TTY	`tty`

switch ($TERM)
	case sun:
		set	prompt	= "`esc`[7m$HOST`esc`[m> "
	# etc.
# ._login
umask 022

setenv	bin	~/bin/`set b={/usr,}/bin/arc[h]; $b[1]`
setenv	PATH	$bin\:$HOME/bin/sh:/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/ucb:/usr/local/bin
setenv	PATH	"$PATH":/etc:/usr/etc:.

setenv	EXINIT	"se ai aw dir=$HOME/tmp sh=/bin/sh sm|map `ctrl C` :\!cc % "
setenv	EXINIT	"$EXINIT|map `ctrl A` :\!make "
setenv	HOST	`hostname | sed "s/\..*//"`
# etc.

if (! $?prompt) exit

if (! $?TERM) setenv	TERM	dumb

switch ($TERM)
	case a230:
		unesc '^[|I2^[J^Y^[|J2^Z^Y^[|K2^[K^Y^[.8^[.2^[w^[l^[R'
		mesg n
	# etc.

# etc.
# .login
if ($TERM != sun || $TTY != /dev/console) exit
# etc.
# etc.
 "If it isn't aesthetically pleasing, |Maarten Litmaath @ VU Amsterdam:
  it's probably wrong." (jim@bilpin). |maart@cs.vu.nl, mcvax!botter!maart