[comp.unix.questions] Communicating with AF_INET sockets

brian@ronin.cc.umich.edu (Brian Wolfe) (05/05/89)

Hi there,

I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask, I apologize 
if it is not...
I'm starting to write a distributed application using AF_INET
sockets and I'm trying to find out more about recommended ways
to communicate between the processes. Could someone point me 
towards any sources?
What I'm interested in is a protocol for the actual data that
is passed through the sockets, not the semantics involved with 
initiation/termination of the connections (that's easy enough).
The reason I ask is that I want to be sure that the 'protocol'
I'm creating today will be easily modified tomorrow.

I've heard that there are ways to use yacc or lex to parse commands
(I think statspy uses lex) but I'd be thrilled to here any 
recommendations any of you may have.

Brian Wolfe                    Internet: BAW@um.cc.umich.edu
Systems Analyst                UUCP:     {ucbvax,uunet}!umix!hfhrv!brian
Henry Ford Hospital
Detroit MI 48202

brian@ronin.cc.umich.edu (Brian Wolfe) (05/10/89)

Hi there,

I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask, I apologize 
if it is not...
I'm starting to write a distributed application using AF_INET
sockets and I'm trying to find out more about recommended ways
to communicate between the processes. Could someone point me 
towards any sources or interesting books?
What I'm interested in is a protocol for the actual data that
is passed through the sockets, not the semantics involved with 
initiation/termination of the connections (that's easy enough).
I'm familiar with SMTP, but that's about the only stream protocol
I'm familiar with.

The reason I ask is that I want to be sure that the 'protocol'
I'm creating today will be easily modified tomorrow.


Brian Wolfe                    Internet: BAW@um.cc.umich.edu
Systems Analyst                UUCP:     {ucbvax,uunet}!umix!hfhrv!brian
Henry Ford Hospital
Detroit MI 48202