[comp.unix.questions] setpwent

entropy@pawl.rpi.edu (Math Student from Hell) (05/12/89)

On our 4.2BSD system, the man page for the <pwd.h> functions lists a
function called 'setpwent'.  This is what it has to say:

>GETPWENT(3)            C LIBRARY FUNCTIONS            GETPWENT(3)
>     getpwent, getpwuid, getpwnam, setpwent, endpwent, setpwfile,
>     fgetpwent - get password file entry
> [omitted definitions for other <pwd.h> files]
>     int setpwent()

And that is the last word.  No definition or description.

What does this function do?  Is it really there, or is it a fib?
Is there a mistake in the man pages?

Reply by email, please.

    What a wonderful thing is the human brain; how I wish I possessed one.
Mark-Jason Dominus 	   entropy@pawl.rpi.EDU	     entropy@rpitsmts (BITnet)

kucharsk@uts.amdahl.com (William Kucharski) (05/13/89)

In article <3712@rpi.edu> entropy@pawl.rpi.edu (Math Student from Hell) writes:
 >On our 4.2BSD system, the man page for the <pwd.h> functions lists a
 >function called 'setpwent'.  This is what it has to say:
 >What does this function do?  Is it really there, or is it a fib?

Setpwent() "rewinds" the password file so that you can search it multiple times.

 >Reply by email, please.

I tried; it bounced.
					William Kucharski

ARPA: kucharsk@uts.amdahl.com
UUCP: ...!{ames,decwrl,sun,uunet}!amdahl!kucharsk

Disclaimer:  The opinions expressed above are my own, and may not agree with
	     those of any other sentient being, not to mention those of my 
	     employer.  So there.