[comp.unix.questions] truncating an open

rjk@sawmill.UUCP (Richard Kuhns) (05/17/89)

In an earlier article, I asked for a portable way to truncate (to size 0)
an open file, in the following situation:

	open the file (for writing);
	try to lock the file exclusively;
	if (I can't)
	    tell user someone else is running this program;
	truncate the file (size 0);	<--- how do I do this?
	start writing;

I received several responses (which I greatly appreciate), which basically
said the same thing -- truncate it by open(2)ing it a second time with the
O_TRUNC flag set, and then close the excess file descriptor.  This works
fine (and is the method I'm currently using), with the following proviso:
Don't close(2) the second file descriptor!  If you close *either* file
descriptor, the lock goes away.  At least, it does on a 3B1 running 3.51 --
is this behaviour standard?

For this particular application the extra baggage hasn't been a problem, but
with several database applications we're running awfully close to the edge
(18 active file descriptors), and I can't afford to waste one if there's
a way around it.

So now, I have a slight variation of my original question:  Does anyone
have a portable way to truncate (to size 0) an open file, which both
maintains an existing lock on the file and doesn't waste a file

Once again, Thanks in Advance...

Rich Kuhns

kemnitz@mitisft.Convergent.COM (Gregory Kemnitz) (05/19/89)

In article <269@sawmill.UUCP>, rjk@sawmill.UUCP (Richard Kuhns) writes:
< [stuff deleted] 

< Don't close(2) the second file descriptor!  If you close *either* file
< descriptor, the lock goes away.  At least, it does on a 3B1 running 3.51 --
< is this behaviour standard?

Yes.  close() will free any locks on files.

< So now, I have a slight variation of my original question:  Does anyone
< have a portable way to truncate (to size 0) an open file, which both
< maintains an existing lock on the file and doesn't waste a file
< descriptor?

No.  There is not.  Only hope:  there is a truncate() and ftruncate() call
in POSIX, so there will be one in Sys V.4.

Greg Kemnitz                      |  "He who does not understand baseball
kemnitz@Convergent.COM            |   will never understand America"
                                  |  --Tocqueville

guy@auspex.auspex.com (Guy Harris) (05/20/89)

>No.  There is not.  Only hope:  there is a truncate() and ftruncate() call
>in POSIX, so there will be one in Sys V.4.

Well, the conclusion ("there will be [f]truncate in S5R4") is, as far as
I know, true, but it has nothing to do with the premise:

	1) if by POSIX you mean 1003.1, neither "truncate" nor
	   "ftruncate" appear as specified functions - period;

	2) if by POSIX you mean some under-development 1003.N, they
	   haven't been ratified (or whatever it is you do to stamp a
	   standard Property of the Zoo) yet, so AT&T isn't *obliged* by
	   those standards to provide it.