[comp.unix.questions] Why is fortune writing to the fortunes.dat file?

zjat02@apctrc.trc.amoco.com (Jon A. Tankersley) (05/25/89)

The subject says it all.  This requires /usr/games to be mounted rw.
I can understand things like hack and the like that keep usage information
but does fortune really need this?  I strip out most of the games, but
fortune has kinda universal approval.  Would it be better to have it
try the rw open and not try to write if it has ro access?

Inquiring minds want to know.
#include <std/disclaimer.h>		/* nobody knows the trouble I .... */
tank@apctrc.trc.amoco.com    ..!uunet!apctrc!tank

hans@duttnph.UUCP (Hans Buurman) (05/25/89)

It's more strange than that. We have sun3 and sun4 clients all running
SunOS 4.0.1. All have /usr/games read-only. On the sun3's, this works fine.
On sun4's, you get a message:
/usr/games/lib/fortunes.dat: Read-only file system

There are no other differences between the two fortunes.

Hans Buurman                   | hans@duttnph.UUCP
Pattern Recognition Group      |
Faculty of Applied Physics     | mcvax!hp4nl!dutrun!duttnph!hans
Delft University of Technology | tel. 31 - (0) 15 - 78 46 94

jik@athena.mit.edu (Jonathan I. Kamens) (05/26/89)

In article <883@apctrc.UUCP> zjat02@trc.amoco.com (Jon A. Tankersley) writes:
>The subject says it all.  This requires /usr/games to be mounted rw.
>I can understand things like hack and the like that keep usage information
>but does fortune really need this?  I strip out most of the games, but
>fortune has kinda universal approval.  Would it be better to have it
>try the rw open and not try to write if it has ro access?

The fortune program doesn't really return a "random" fortune each time
it is run.  Instead, it goes through the fortunes.dat file
sequentially, and each time the program is run it prints out the next
appropriate fortune.

In order to keep track of where it is in the file, it has to write its
current location to the file after each time it reads a fortune.

I've looked at the code for a few minutes and it's a bit obscure (to
me at least), but this is the general idea of what occurs.  Anybody
know more details (like the format of the binary data at the beginning
of the .dat files, for example)?

Jonathan Kamens			              USnail:
MIT Project Athena				410 Memorial Drive, No. 223F
jik@Athena.MIT.EDU				Cambridge, MA 02139-4318
Office: 617-253-4261			      Home: 617-225-8218

jeff@quark.WV.TEK.COM (Jeff Beadles) (05/27/89)

In article <730@dutrun.UUCP> hans@duttnph.UUCP (Hans Buurman) writes:
>It's more strange than that. We have sun3 and sun4 clients all running
>SunOS 4.0.1. All have /usr/games read-only. On the sun3's, this works fine.
>On sun4's, you get a message:
>/usr/games/lib/fortunes.dat: Read-only file system
>There are no other differences between the two fortunes.

This is due to the way that you have /usr/games mounted.  There are two
different styles of /etc/exports (on the server)that I know of.  They look like:

/usr2	host1 host2


/usr2	-rw=tango:packrat:pong:vanuatu:abacus

If you have the second, make sure that it's mounted rw, and not '-access='

If that does not work, look in /etc/fstab on the client.
(I don't have a sun, so I can't be overly specific here...)

The reason that fortune writes to the data file is to keep track of the
last fortune sent.  It's part of how it keeps spitting out random-looking

	Hope it helps,

Jeff Beadles		Utek Sustaining Engineering, Tektronix Inc.

hans@duttnph.UUCP (Hans Buurman) (05/29/89)

In article <3433@orca.WV.TEK.COM> jeff@quark.WV.TEK.COM (Jeff Beadles) writes:
>In article <730@dutrun.UUCP> hans@duttnph.UUCP (Hans Buurman) writes:
>>It's more strange than that. We have sun3 and sun4 clients all running
>>SunOS 4.0.1. All have /usr/games read-only. On the sun3's, this works fine.
>>On sun4's, you get a message:
>>/usr/games/lib/fortunes.dat: Read-only file system
>>There are no other differences between the two fortunes.
>This is due to the way that you have /usr/games mounted.
(suggestion to look in /etc/exports on server)

Sorry Jeff, but I can't find any differences.

grep exec /etc/exports
/export/exec/sun3	-ro,access=clients
/export/exec/sun4	-ro,access=clients
>If that does not work, look in /etc/fstab on the client.

mizar grep exec /etc/fstab
duttnph:/export/exec/sun3 /usr nfs ro 0 0
antares grep exec /etc/fstab
duttnph:/export/exec/sun4 /usr nfs ro 0 0
mizar df /usr/games/fortune
Filesystem            kbytes    used   avail capacity  Mounted on
                       84928   61587   14848    81%    /usr

antares df /usr/games/fortune
Filesystem            kbytes    used   avail capacity  Mounted on
                       84928   71671    4764    94%    /usr
mizar /usr/games/fortune
A rock pile ceases to be a rock pile the moment a single man
contemplates it, bearing within him the image of a cathedral.
		-- Antoine de Saint-Exupery

antares /usr/games/fortune
/usr/games/lib/fortunes.dat: Read-only file system
And, on the server:

ls -l /export/exec/sun[34]/games/lib/fortunes.dat
-rw-------  1 daemon     348056 Apr  9  1988 /export/exec/sun3/games/lib/fortunes.dat
-rw-------  1 daemon     348056 May 29 09:25 /export/exec/sun4/games/lib/fortunes.dat
(Of course, the server is a sun4 and has /usr/games r/w !).

>Jeff Beadles		Utek Sustaining Engineering, Tektronix Inc.

Both architectures are running SunOs 4.0.1 Export.

Anybody out there with source ?


Hans Buurman                   | hans@duttnph.UUCP
Pattern Recognition Group      |
Faculty of Applied Physics     | mcvax!hp4nl!dutrun!duttnph!hans
Delft University of Technology | tel. 31 - (0) 15 - 78 46 94

zjat02@cra2.uucp (Jon A. Tankersley) (05/31/89)

They all break with 4.0.3.  Sigh.  Seems that someone didn't trust random()
very much.  Or any of his brothers()/sisters() :-).  I wrote my own for
a 3b2 and it worked just fine, but then I didn't look for long/short/obscene
fortunes, but still.

Don't look for an early fix.  Since it is a game (or is it?) it won't be
a high priority problem.  An alternative would be to have fortune aliased
to fortune with a file spec.

#include <std/disclaimer.h>		/* nobody knows the trouble I .... */
tank@apctrc.trc.amoco.com    ..!uunet!apctrc!tank

guy@auspex.auspex.com (Guy Harris) (06/01/89)

>They all break with 4.0.3.  Sigh.  Seems that someone didn't trust random()
>very much.

"fortune" antedates "random"; I think the "someone" is the
(aforementioned) Ken Arnold, and I'm told the reason why it does what it
does is that, in fact, he didn't like "rand()" (which is not, I think,
one of the best random number generators in the world).

>Don't look for an early fix.  Since it is a game (or is it?) it won't be
>a high priority problem.  An alternative would be to have fortune aliased
>to fortune with a file spec.

It's been mentioned to people at Berkeley, and will probably get fixed
at some point (however, since it's in "/usr/games", I don't know how
high-priority an item it is).  Sun, and other vendors, may pick that up
when it comes out, or may fix it themselves.