ins_adjb@jhunix.HCF.JHU.EDU (Daniel Jay Barrett) (06/06/89)
Can someone tell me where to find the latest & greatest version of "Notes" by Ray Essick et al? The latest I can find is V1.7.0 on However, it is dated October 20, 1985. This version offers significant improvements over our current version, but it is TOTALLY sloppy about terminal I/O. Depending on what terminal type you are using, diagnostic messages from Notes appear all over the place, forcing you to do numerous screen refreshes (^L). Our old version handled this beautifully, with all diagnostic messages appearing (highlighted) directly the notes prompt. I tried fixing this myself, but screen positions are hard-coded throughout the source code, making this difficult to do. Thanks! Please answer by E-Mail, since I do not read this group regularly. -- # Dan Barrett ( ARPANET # # ins_adjb@jhuvms.bitnet BITNET # # ins_adjb@jhunix.UUCP UUCP (unreliable) # # Dept. of Computer Science, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD 21218 #