[comp.unix.questions] Help needed interfacing a printer.

HCART%VAX.OXFORD.AC.UK@cunyvm.cuny.edu (06/20/89)

    I am pretty much a starting UNIXer and need what I expect is some very
simple advice about attaching a printer to an IRIS 3130. Can any kind
soul reply to the following questions, please? I would be grateful
for any and all information - the more explicit the better.

1. I have a Malibu dual mode 200 printer, but no manual! What baud rate
   should this run at? And how do I set the dip switches?

2. The on-line manual (under 'lp') says the mode of /dev/lp must be
   set to 600 and the file owned by daemon, but no file /dev/lp exists.
   Should it be there, or could it be lurking around elsewhere under
   some different name?

3. No filter is present for use with the malibu. If I edit the 'dumb'
   filter in the interface file, what extra info needs to be added?
   Is it just the stty line? And if so, how should it read? If not, what
   else needs to be added? And where?

4. I have followed the instructions given in the owner's guide to
   connect the printer, but nothing gets printed. If I make suitable
   amendments to the dumb filter to make my own, should printing the
   work OK, or are there other files that need to be amended that are
   not mentioned in the section on connecting a printer?

5. If anyone has a suitable filter they could send, I would be delighted!

6. We also contemplate attaching a Taxan Kaga printer (Epson FX80-like)
   Would this be simpler/harder/impossible?

   Thanks for any help and advice.

Hugh Cartwright, Physical Chemistry Lab, Oxford University, UK

   Fax:    Oxford (0865)-275410

   JANET:  HCART@uk.ac.oxford.vax
   BITNET: HCART@uk.ac.oxford.vax@ukacrl
           or     HCART%vax.oxford.ac.uk@nss.ns.ucl.ac.uk