[comp.unix.questions] Aide-de-Camp experiences?

beth@cayman.COM (Beth Miaoulis) (06/27/89)

After using SCCS for over a year, we've decided to switch
to a source code control system which will facilitate multiple
development branches.

I've been testing rcs a bit, and it seems like it will make life
easier, but it doesn't have everything I need.  After reading "Version
Management and Change Control" from the 6/89 issue of UNIXWORLD, the
the Aide-de-Camp software management system from SMDS looks real
appealing. It seems to manage parallel development paths and merges
well, along with doing some other neat things like problem report tracking.

Has anyone had any experience with it?  I'm intersted in any other
systems you may know of, too.

Beth Miaoulis (beth@cayman.com)
Cayman Systems, Inc.

Beth Miaoulis (beth@cayman.com)
Cayman Systems, Inc.