[comp.unix.questions] Scanners for Suns.

peters@cc.msstate.edu (Frank W. Peters) (07/24/89)


     I've been asked to find out what scanners are available for Sun4 systems.

     We'd probably be interested in grey scale scanners since we don't have
any color output devices but I'd be interested in hearing about any types of

     The type of information I'd be interested in are:

     o cost
     o number of grey scales (or colors if appropriate)
     o resolution
     o image formats supported
     o maximum image size (ie, how big a picture can it scan).

     Pleas e-mail replies to me.  I will summarize to any who are interested.

Thanks in advance

                                   /       |
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| Frank W. Peters                /Starkville                                  |
| Systems & Networks Programmer  /       * |   Internet:Peters@CC.MsState.Edu |
| Mississippi State University   \         |   Bitnet:  Peters@MsState.BITNET |
| Post Office Drawer CC           |        |   Phone:   (601) 325-2942        |
| Mississippi State, MS 39762     /        |   FAX:     (601) 325-3299        |
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lewis@Data-IO.COM (Larry Lewis) (07/29/89)

Try calling Truvel - (818) 407-1031